Thursday, September 1, 2011

Murder on 700 block of N. Dixie Hwy in Lake Worth

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Lake Worth woman shot to death by her estranged husband. Read about it here.


  1. This is all very sad, it is too bad it couldn't of been prevented. This lady used to go to my church, Sacred Heart, I didn't know her, but she had a gentle smile and seemed like a nice lady. There is so much abuse in homes these days, one never knows what one is going through. May she rest in peace. Pray for her family.

  2. This is not just a news story as many see it. What happened is a family torn apart by the proliferation of guns in households. Who are we protecting ourseves against? Our own fathers ,sons and daughters.One has to think.

  3. How many women are murdered by thier estranged ex-significant others AFTER A RESTRAINING ORDER IS ISSUED?
