Monday, September 12, 2011

Millions More on Beach Redevelopment

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Everyone is out to screw the people of Lake Worth.

Now it's those involved in our beach re-development. Just mention millions and get a project approved, and all of a sudden it is MORE MILLIONS. $5 million is not enough. Now they want us to chop away at the design at a tune of $3.3 MILLION. We get less. The developers get more. And the people get screwed.


  1. Could not agree with you more on this issue. They submitted a bid based on criteria and they need to be held accountable. Was there this much gross oversight when bidding? Did they (Contractor) purposely under bid thinking that the city would just roll over....Wait they did just that and what is the city doing? rolling over.....

    You hear time and again how the city does not honor contracts yet here we are with a bid and a contract and the contractor does not want to honor it. I guess what goes around comes around.

    Use the 5 mil up and move on BUT use a different contractor who will honor their bid and get this done already!

  2. Kick these bums out. Say NO for a change, commissioners.

  3. The only reason we keep getting screwed is because we keep electing people to the Commission who can't read or understand a contract. It's simple, everyone else has better lawyers and are more business savvy than our "leaders." Might be time for some changes up there on the dias.

  4. The majority of them were not even on the commission when it chose the contractors for our beach redevelopment. It was Varela and Jennings who were the biggest culprits who brought Michael Singer into the mix. He is the reason why this project is millions out of whack. Just say NO. I can't even imagine why they can't do this for $5 mil. @#$%^

  5. they want to TRIM 3 plus million dollars from a 5 million dollar project, only in LW. When will people understand that it is at every turn, why is it only LW that can’t manage one project without issue and major issues at that. There is only one explanation, collectively they have assembled the biggest group of incompetents in every department, start with the leadership and work your way down. If people think changing a few commission seats will fix the problem they are more naive they anyone comprehends. For the salaries they pay, they sure aren’t getting the results.

  6. IMO, its hard too see if the city is getting screwed or not if we dont know what is in the contract and how it is worded.
    Doesnt the city Attorney read and understand these contracts?

  7. Who was in charge of this contract? Can we please fire him/her? It was always the intent to have lighting for turtles. The attorneys for these developers just found a big loop hole in our contract where lighting was apparently not addressed.

  8. Lighting for turtles. You must be kidding. The street lights and moon lit nights is enough. I`m sure they will adjust to no lights. What do they do where there is no lights? They will survive.

  9. I believe the reason that special lighting for turtles is necessary is becasue the Casino will now be opened much later--who knows...midnight? 2am? What ever the Commission allows. They want the upstairs to be a raucous nightclub or something for kids. People will be driving their cars over there so the lighting has to be adequate for that purpose as well as the turtles.

  10. Just replace what was there once the casino and parking area is completed. It doesnt have to be special lighting. That is what I ment.

  11. Special lighting is an environmental requirement for any oceanfront development. Turtles hatch at specific tide and lunar cycles; they head towards a rising moon and the water... streetlights, being brighter than natural light often causes them to head towards artificial light and certain doom.

    As to this latest chapter in the ongoing beach saga... there were plenty of warnings, and concerns from knowledgeable folks that were summarily dismissed.

    This is a rather sad "told ya so".

  12. The cabal led BCE. The gift that keeps giving.

  13. Millions More on the Beach Project.

    This isn’t as bad as one would think, this is a great opportunity for Stanton to impose another fee, of course not her fault, the people before her created the problem as always. That should be on the city logo, not our fault, why did they take the job if everything is out of their control, only in LW. If they get rid of the street lights for 2 million dollars that may be a start, never seen a street light project that small for that kind of money, who’s watching the store. I heard a rumor that Stanton is thinking about adding toll booths on the bridge at the Intracostal to generate revenue for the casino project, if you want to use the beach you will pay for the convenience, got to love it.

  14. What/Who is the cabal led BCE? This commission had nothing to do with the beach fiasco. We pay a lot of money to people to advise and direct us correctly. Someone is responsible for this lack of oversight in the design and allowing the commission to approve. Find out who it is and fire their butt.

  15. Oh for God's sake Lynn wake up and smell the roses. There is a procedure
    for getting plans approved in the City of Lake Worth.If the beach plan had followed that procedure someone would have picked up the lack of appropriate lighting.Who was on the Commission When this mess was approved Certainly not just Varela and Jennings?
