Saturday, September 17, 2011

Marco Rubio and Illegal Immigration

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Marco ran on a platform of reducing illegal immigration. Marco Rubio gets a B- rating with an overall C rating from NumbersUSA on Immigration. He has some generous analysts looking at his record as I would have given him a D- for his lack of any action whatsoever. To continue to say it is a Federal problem, (we hear that all of the time in Lake Worth) he needs to insist that laws be enforced.

Read about his grade average here.

The SharkTank writes: Rubio’s “pro-legal’ immigration campaign platform will be put to the test this year as the growing tide of Islamic extremism continues to seep across our borders, and our present non-enforcement policy will eventually lead to what Congressman Allen West describes as a “cataclysmic event” if nothing is done to address this threat.

Will it take another 9-11-style atrocity to make the politicos in Washington D.C. realize that the illegal immigration issue is not a racial issue, but a security issue? Senator Rubio, you have the proverbial ‘pelota’ (ball) in your hand, will you throw a strike against this growing threat, or will you intentionally pass?

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