Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lake Worth is Hot

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Joe Kroll no longer with the City of Lake Worth.

Fire assessment passes on a 3/2 vote with Maxwell and Waterman dissenting. It comes back on October 4 because Government Services Group screwed up (so what else is new?) and sent out notices to former property owners. Notices subsequently had to be re-sent.


  1. The City Manager finally forced him out.The only employee to leave without a severance package.But maybe after he leaves he will talk about what really goes on in this city.

  2. Joe Kroll knows when to jump a sinking ship! When will this city wake up and FIRE Stanton! THANK GOD FOR BLOGS

  3. What happened with Kroll????

  4. What happened with Kroll, The C.M. couldn't control him.He was not a A$$ kisser like every one left on staff. And he wouldn't let Mulvehill
    boss him around.

  5. Joe is a great guy and could have served as a great City manager for Lake Worth. He will be missed. So many good senior staff have come and gone in the last few years. If this was a private corporation, the Board of Directors would have canned the CEO by now. But for some reason we allow the nonsense to continue with this CM.

    Good luck Joe. Even if you are unemployed, you are in a better place.

  6. Perception is not the reality in the case of Mr. Kroll. It's about time that he be gone.

  7. Mr. Kroll is not qualified to be a city manager. Susan Stanton is. I do not agree with her on everything and certainly not this cash grab via special assessments but she is 500% more qualified than Joe Kroll could ever be.

  8. Joe Kroll? You mean the guy who just can't get it straight, err, ummm, I dunno, scratch head, it's going to cost the city 400% higher than normal, Joe?

  9. What's it going to cost us to re-mail the notices????

  10. The City has told us that Government Services will be doing the re-mailing at their expense.

  11. So they will just make it up in their next contract.

  12. Exactlly which type of city is Ms. Stanton qualified to run? Cuz it ain't Lake Worth

  13. I think Susan and 4 of the 5 commissioners are doing an extremely FINE job of running the city into the ground.

  14. Without a confidentiality agreement, or keeping silent as part of a severance package, he should be free to talk about antyhing. I doubt that he will though as he will be looking for another job.

  15. Lynn read above he is NOT getting a severance package.......

  16. Kroll lied about the dump. He lied about the pool. He lied about Bryant Park. He lied about the solid waste charge. he lied about what it would take to silence the train horns. He lied about the non audio in city hall. Probably more, but those are the ones I know of,,,,
