Monday, September 19, 2011

Lake Worth in Non-Compliance

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The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, the federal government’s appointed board to oversee stimulus spending, says we are not in compliance.

Read about it here.


  1. The money was part of a JAG grant to pay for two code enforcement officers. Two officers were hired. One was fired six weeks after starting (Terry). That was last December and he was never replaced. The other hired code officer, Edgar, was laid off when the City laid off 70+ workers some months back. He was supposed to rejoin the code department after 4-6 weeks. It seems like the City took money for two officers, yet never fulfilled its requirements by hiring two full-time officers. Shocking - an understaffed code department.

  2. LOL...well, if that is the case, it is worse than I imagined. This sounds like fraud to me. Sort of like the FEMA money we took on the Pier and then couldn't come up with the receipts for the repairs. Someone could write a book about this place.

  3. Can't wait to learn about whatever comes next.

  4. Not to mention on the Jag grant the code enforcement officers were supposed to work very closely with PBSO in order to target properties with violent, drug and other crime related issues. PBSO stated before these two were laid off, the city had cut communications with them.

    Not only was this to help work on code it was also tied to reducing crime at the same time. Once again this city has proven itself unable to be responsible....FYI this was at the direction of the CM.

  5. I watched this on the 11pm news. Unbelievable. We know that the CM does not believable in code officers, says it is a failed concept in Lake Worth. But has she come up with anything better? To take the money and not fill the positions is so out of this world-- malfeasance. Now we will have to pay the money back? It will turn out that we spent it to fill a budget shortfall somewhere or what? Where did the money go?

  6. "Someone could write a book about this place"

    Unfortunately, we are living the movie.

  7. What unsavory thing will we expect to happen next?

  8. Well, the CM is ultimately responsible for all of this and should be held accountable and fired for this. She committed fraud basically. She has been here now for several years, she needs to stop passing the buck and assume the responsibility that comes with the job. She has done away with codes altogether, no wonder our city looks so blighted and codes are not enforced. I think our elected officials need to say enough is enough and fire Stanton now, malfeasance at its best by Stanton, he needs to go.

  9. Rachel on Facebook:

    Rachel Waterman
    Just saw my clip on Channel 5 News - Unfortunately our news stations are not interested in reporting the truth; they are interested in creating scandal by strategically editing footage! For those who are interested Lake Worth was unaware we are listed as being out of compliance for our Department of Justice Grant because WE ARE NOT. Our paperwork was submitted and we already received our reimbursement from the federal government. But, the last half of the sentence wasn't of interest to them.

  10. Stanton is very creative with money management. Where did she get the funds, $250,000 for air conditioning of the Compass building? She boldly subsidizes her partner in crime!

  11. Mayor, was the paperwork fraudulent?

  12. Is the mayor really that naive?
