Friday, September 16, 2011

Lake Worth Fire Assessment

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The Company Line that will definitely make you feel better about this "fire" assessment (Tax)--per the City Manager:

On May 17, 2011, the City selected Government Services Group to begin the process of developing an assessment process for funding fire protection. Special Assessments for fire services are authorized by the Florida Constitution, are Florida court tested, and are currently being utilized by many local governments throughout Florida to fund fire services.

Special Assessments for Fire Services may be used by local governments because fire services provide a special benefit by protecting property. Special Assessments for Fire Services are valid in Florida so long as they confer a special benefit to the property being assessed and the cost assessed is fairly and reasonably apportioned among the properties that receive the special benefit.

The adoption of a Special Assessment for Fire Service will enable the City to gradually reduce transfer payments from the Electric Utility and to pay for general governmental services with property tax as the City expands its taxable values. Revenue collected through the fire assessment may only be used to fund fire services and not EMS services.

But, but, but...

Fire pensions are not a special benefit to me or to my property. It is a ridiculous assumption that increasing taxes and special assessments in order to give back pennies on our electric bill is a solution. We are still paying hard earned cash. Do you think people will want to move here because their electric bill is now down a buck per thousand kwh but their taxes have skyrocketed overall on everything?


  1. What's wrong about a volunteer fire department? If you look on the list of fire departments in Florida, you will find many for cities of our size. I think Ms. Mayor and Ms. Stanton would look very chic in firefighting attire while saving our city a ton of money!

  2. the explanation gets more and more absurd.

  3. I don't know if we have very many fires within the City of Lake Worth. But one thing for sure, we have plenty of emergency calls that take well trained paramedics.

    Not only are the poor and or immigrant using this service but the Senior population uses it probably as often, if not more, than any other segment of our City--just a guess. This particular service can NOT be taxed on a special assessment or you can be certain that Stanton would tax all the poor and Seniors proportionately--her "fair."

    I can see it now--as soon as you reach 55, which is old according to AARP, you would be taxed more. The possibilities are endless.

    Thank God for State Law, Federal Law and Civil rights. You can't discriminate against me if I am elderly or poor. The City of LW just did in their evaluation of what is fair and equitable.

  4. The city is taxing us nearly 1.5 mil and gave back less than 500 thous on the electric side. This is a gain of $1 mil. Even stupid me can figure out that this is a con.

  5. Thanks for the response as I believe this to be illegal if not deceptive legislation to be used for things other than those proposed!!! If it proves to be illegal there will very likely be additional costs to defend their actions. This is very regressive leadership as I believe we will eventually be annexed to West Palm or another adjacent community because of inept leaders in Lake Worth!!! As a forty year owner at Lake Side Point I am looking to leave Lake Worth to its own devices & go else-where!!! Thanks Gene!!!
