Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lake Worth Budget Changes

As a result of the policy direction provided by the City Commission, the proposed FY 2011-2012 Budget includes the following changes:

· Reduction of 47 full time equivalent positions
· A total millage rate of 5.4945 mills
· Creation of the Leisure Services Department
· Funding of the Internal Auditor
· Reduction of the electric utility tax from 10% to 8%
· Reduction of the Conservation rate from $2.60 to $1.95 per 1,000 kWh
· Increase of the water rate by 5.25%
· Increase of the sewer rate by 13%
· Proposed special assessments for fire services and street lights services

1 comment:

  1. Don't believe everyhting you read in the backup for the Commission meeting. The reduction of 47 FTEs was done in the current year (10-11), not part of the budget to be approved. There are a number of positions being created or upgraded with salary increases such as the Economic Development Manager and a revenue officer. and no mention is made of the $2.7 million cost overrun on the beach project.
