Sunday, September 11, 2011

Knock your Socks Off - It's Here

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The story of corruption and misfeasance in a sleepy little city by the sea.


  1. Incompetence. Where is the forensic on our Utility?

  2. Lake Worth Media no longer accepts comments. If you have one, post here. Thanks.

  3. Good article. One thing that was left out was the warning to Clay that if he went through with the conversion the way that it was presented to the Commission, that there was a very good chance that he would be terminated for "Gross Financial Mismanagement."

  4. Shows we really need an auditor.....a competent one...

  5. Challenge....This story is very interesting and where I see plenty of reality in the story based on past projects that come in at one bid amount then quickly changes to be much more aka the Beach Grounds Project...

    What hard evidence does Mr. Coakly have to substantiate the claims of the story? Or is the point of the story is that the city refuses to provide such information.

    The City has a very bad history of not being able to manage big projects and I will never dispute this however the only way to see what is fact or fiction would be a non-biased internal Auditor NOT swayed by politics or staff.

  6. Coakley has all of the facts otherwise he would not have written the story. And true, seeking information from the City can be difficult or impossible at times when it comes to the Utility, the black hole. If the City does not want to provide you with info, all they have to do is tell you that they don't have it. Simple. Voila!

  7. A new election cycle is just around the corner. Therefore, it is in every citizen's best interest to elect officials who are intelligent enough to question the Utility Director, the Asst. Utility Director, and the CM to determine just how it is possible to be off 50 - 100% on a cost estimate of this magnitude.

    It appears that Commissioner Maxwell, even with his inside information, was not able to put 2 & 2 together and come up with an answer other then 3. This does not bode well for the future of the City.

    With an error of this magnitude, it would not be wise to place any degree of certitude in what Becky, Clay and Susan have to say on any future subject that involves cost estimates. The city's best bet might be to explore a Utility Commission made up of industry experts from around the country. People like Burke, Parker, etc., those who have made an impact in the industry and can see through the current B.S. being produced by the utility.

  8. Isn't the city mgr responsible?

  9. Can everyone reading this please call their Commissioners and ask for an explanation? Better yet-call the county inspector general. Scott?

  10. The City Manager IS responsible but even she is not an authority on our Utility. She trusts the Staff in place. Susan Stanton, in all due respect, is trying, the only way that she knows how, to get our City healthy once again. But it is clear, no one knows what is going on at our Utility. An oversight professional Utility Volunteer Commission/Board would be a good not politically appointed but rather chosen solely from credentials. Mary Lindsey became an expert on our Utility and as far as someone from the Public is concerned, she would be my choice.

  11. Well, Susan, what are you going to do about this now that it is out in the sunshine? What about all of you commissioners, not just Maxwell? Sit on your butts as usual? Vilify good people as usual? We know the modus operandi.

  12. I can see the city mgr now. Bill who? Oh him. It will be a flashback to the days of the Jim Stafford Talk web site he had of several years ago. Trashed everyone other than his handful of friends. Stanton is probably taking lessons from him as we speak.

  13. If the public isn’t interested than all the exposing is not worth everyone’s efforts, I would think that with all the fees, assessment and taxes that the citizens and rate payers would have a vested interest in where the money is going in the future and what has been spent in the past. As they say history is a very good predictor of the future is paramount for LW, the waste and incompetence is getting worse by the day which translates into dollars, mostly dollars wasted. I know you are a supporter of Stanton, yet he is not qualified to manage a utility, doesn’t possess the experience or knowledge to do so. In the case of LW the utility is as everyone says the cash cow of the overall operation, herein lies the problem. LW has always had and continues to have an identity issue, its reputation in Florida is beyond bad, it’s abysmal to say the least. They have very little hope of attracting qualified people to manage the cash cow and there is little appetite to right a sinking ship, therefore the ineptness just perpetuates itself, actually it is worse than ever before. You witnessed it yourself when you saw the resumes and qualifications of the people in charge of the electric utility, wouldn’t one expect that LW would be interested in getting the right individuals to manage the department. They know how poorly they performed on the 26kV conversion also the storm response of 2005, yet they all are too busy telling each other how wonderful they are doing then getting it right because nobody understands correct. They have wasted millions, they know that, yet have failed to change the way they do business. People need for you and Bill to show the deficiencies that exist, if people don’t care then it’s their problem, you both need to stay on top of it, otherwise the city will continue to snow people from reality and unfortunately the reality isn’t pretty.

  14. We may be interested but the question really is, what do we do next? Who is there to look into it and do something?

  15. There is so much corruption and ethics issues anyway in this city, country, and world. We have to question everything and everyone really.

    This weekend I went to the Brad Paisley concert at the Cruzan Ampt. with my sisters who love country music. Our own police chief Ronaldo Silva was there working and also Barbara Aubel, she worked for Livenation who organizes the concert, not sure the arrangement if you work for free to go to the concert of if they pay or it is mutual to get a free in to see the concert without pay??? Who knows the arrangement, there is so much funny business going on all around.
    Does our police cap. have to work weekends at the concert, is it for overtime pay or did he want to hear the concert for free, it all makes you question it all here. Ethics? is it right for someone to say they will work a concert, just because they want to see it for free? Do you get paid overtime for it too> it all makes you wonder what ethics violations are in question? Is there corruption in all of this? I question all these days. What is ethically correct these days? How much does Silva make anyway? He can't afford a $30 ticket?

  16. Cops work special duty to make more money. They just don't ever get enough $$$. It's better than spcial duty at some stupid nighblub where a bunch of drunks hang out.

  17. OK Jen that is pure speculation and an obvious attempt to bash PBSO....If you want ask Captain Silva that Question just email him or call him as he is always easy to get a hold of. Also I just noticed on this topic there are 15 reply's....All 15 got in there! Amazing!

    Lynn, this was a great topic of discussion thanks and Yes Jen asking questions is a good thing but ask before drawing false conclusions.

  18. Wll, anonymous--Jen's comment got only one reply. Her comment is totally off the point of this blog. You want to be a cheerleader for Cpt. Silva and PBSO do it on your own time and stop jumping to conclusions. PBSO supporters are totally paranoid.

  19. I am NOT paranoid.... they really ARE out to get me.


    I feel safer... :-)

  20. Jen, good point although maybe off topic some, there is a lot of corruption and ethics issues that do come into play. Now I am wondering too, did Capt. Silva get paid overtime for working a concert that he wanted to see/hear without having to pay for it? Like Bill said in his report, we all need to question all things in this city and all leaders, their leadership, ethics, and integrity are always questioned when they are in charge or when they do something in public. What were the motives for Capt. Silva to work a Brad Paisley concert? Just wondering now.....

  21. His motive was to make money. What is wrong with that?

  22. The waste is the $11 million for 13.2 kV when it leaves one half of the city without a backup. Another waste is the $1.4 million for the upgrade of the existing tie line, and the third is the $400K that is aimed at the OMS. That said, people will remember what Bill has said if their lights go out repeatedly
