Sunday, September 18, 2011

John G's Grand Opening in Manalapan

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John G's had a packed house at its grand opening yesterday. I was told that the Press were there at 5am. Everyone with whom I spoke were thrilled to be dining there and that they were finally opened. One gentleman next to me couldn't get over the portion on his plate and he ate voraciously giving the excuse that he was a "big man." When he was through eating, he nudged me to say, "Look, I cleaned my plate."

Mrs. Giragos, Tess, went to every table to say hello and welcome everyone. When speaking to her she said, "John would have been proud." He had opened the original restaurant at the Lake Worth beach in 1972 and it became a landmark for quality and a sense of family. We all grew up with his kids who now have kids of their own and who have carried on John's tradition of good food, good service and never a doubt in your mind that you would be coming back soon.

The new John G's has a strong feel of the old sprinkled with a lot of "new." Many of the tables were taken from the beach casino and the huge paper menus near the kitchen are still there. The menus and the prices are exactly the same. People still came in their flip-flops; it's still an all cash business and no one minded; it was like finding an old fast friend.

There is one section devoted to John, the son of immigrants who came through Ellis Island and who passed away in January 2010. John lives on through his wife and children who are carrying on his name. It's the same restaurant serviced by people who love what they are doing and love their Dad. The only difference is the location just a short drive down A1A.

We will miss John G's at the Lake Worth beach.


  1. I was there a few days ago and you're right, it was like being home. Great food as usual and I was happy to see that the prices were the same and no parking meters.

  2. It's pretty sad that the commission did not do something to keep them at the casino. they can figure out all sorts of ways to tax all the poor in the city but can't come up with a plan for a store that made the beach and put it on the map.

  3. Good luck to John g's.

  4. Congrats to everyone at Jonny G's! We wish you much success and you will always be a part of our hearts in Lake Worth. I'm sure you will still be seeing our faces at your new location.

  5. They were made an offer and turned it down. They wanted to leave Lake Worth for a better deal for them. Where's their loyalty? I won't be missing them and won't be going to their latest tax evading location.

  6. I wish John G's well at the new lcoation. I'm sure we'll stop by once in a while, although we've always been more of a Dune Deck family.

    However, I don't see any reason why the tax payors of LW should continue to subsidize this private business. If they don't want to pay market rental rates at LW beach, I can certainly understand that, who would want to pay market rates? But come on, we shouldn't bend over backwards for them.

  7. This is off topic but relates to the Tropical Tri/the Palm Beach marathon, the holiday parade and any other event that traps me in my neighborhood (Parrot Cove).

    I really wish that these events were required to post police or staff (or even hand out flyers) in the neighborhoods that are closed off. I know how to get out b/c I've lived here for 10+ years, but we had several near misses this past weekend just in a few short blocks because people were speeding around the neighborhood/going the wrong way on one way streets trying to get out.

  8. Of course they were willing to pay market rent. I don't know how this lie continues to perpetuate. I wrote antoehr blog on what happened to them and the shabby treatment by the City.
