Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Commissioner Maxwell off to Phoenix

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  1. lynn change your logo you ain't no angel

  2. Well, of course I am, Scott. Try and return phone calls. You commissioners are so out of touch and out of tune.

  3. These elected officials are such a waste. I wrote to all 5 of them three weeks ago about sidewalks needed in western downtown, not one of the commissioners wrote me back, only the mayor, and then we agreed to meet, but she took about 5 cell calls while with me and I could tell she really could care less what I had to say. I wrote her a follow-up e-mail as she had asked, but she never even responded to that. This is a big issue in government nowadays, our elected reps. won't even respond to their constituents, they have no respect for the people/citizens they represent. It is pathetic, a very sad time in politics and government at all levels. Vote out the bums! They all need to be held accountable.

  4. What logo are the anon talking about Lynn? Your my Angel of facts versus Fiction in this town...At least you have the guts to tell things as they are and I know you fact check....The only time you can not fact check is when STAFF will not do their jobs.

    Keep up the great work and still what is this you "ain't" not angel!

  5. To really comprehend the issues in LW all one has to do is listen to 10-15 minutes of a commission meeting. These individuals are so out of touch with reality it makes one wonder what's in the water in LW. They are so enamored with themselves they can't understand why the citizens are upset, it defies human belief, nothing will ever improve until they realize LW is a dysfunctional mess in need of dramatic change, now. It may be that the mayor has passed everyone else in cluelessness and that's not easy. She like Stanton can't grasp why people are upset, really, just look at the incompetence surrounding everyone, not hard to understand. Like the real world, indentify the problems and correct them. If you can't see the forest for the trees, nothing improves. The mayor is another ego maniac who believes she walks on water, I can see why she's had difficulty holding a job, she is in space. Please tell me this affliction isn't all over Florida.

  6. Power feeds their ego. They are all out of touch like Lynn says. They do not care about us, so do not feel bad about voting them out in November. Too bad someone is running against Maxwell, I would not vote for him either. We need a paradigm shift here in our government with elected officials who care and listen to and vote the way their constituents want. These bums are just like our fed. senators and reps. Ego, money, power, it changes you. Rene was the same way, he was so down to earth before taking office and once in changed completely and did nothing for us.

  7. Scott, you are a pathetic disappointment as our commissioner not to mention that you have a filthy mouth, you need to clean up your act, you swear way too much and are wasting too much of our money and not listening to the people you represent. It will all come back to kick you in the butt soon enough buddy.
