Thursday, September 15, 2011

City Attorney Lake Worth

Comment Up
Elaine A. Humphreys

Elaine Humphreys' contract was renewed for another year--September 16, 2011 through September 15, 2012 without a performance review.

  • Compensation: $129,900. Subject to Cost of living increases, Longevity and Merit increases
  • Health & Insurance: Health, Dental, Vision, Life, Workman's Comp
  • Vacation & Sick pay: 20 days vacation that accrue and roll-over. 12 paid sick days that accrue and roll-over.
  • Auto & monthly car expenses: $500 a month
  • Professional Development: Professional dues, subscriptions, continuing legal education, necessary travel and subsistence expenses
  • Retirement and Deferred Compensation: 10% into a 401(k) in lieu of a Defined Benefit Plan.
  • Termination & Severance Pay: 20 weeks (prior contract was 6 months salary) and all accrued benefits
  • Bonds: The City will pay the cost of all fidelity bonds: Reasonable attorney fees to defend employee for any act or omission and fees not to exceed $350 an hour for a criminal charge that extends after the termination of employment.
  • Performance Review: When determined by the City Commission
From the City Web site: The City Attorney's Office is comprised of two attorneys (one position unfilled due to resignation of Middleton) and a certified legal assistant who provide legal support to the City Commission, the City Manager, City Advisory Boards as well as all City departments. The City Attorney's Office prepares Ordinances, Resolutions, easements, contracts, leases, title information, impositions, releases of liens and represents the City in judicial and quasi-judicial proceedings.

Through timely and just prosecution of those accused of misdemeanor violations occurring in the City, protection is provided by this department to the residents of Lake Worth.

How many law suits do we have?


  1. I think most city employees should have an annual review, how can they determine merit or raises if they don't? Too, especially if someone makes over $40K or higher they should definitely have a yearly performance review with guidelines and a format covering all related to their job description. Our CM should make sure of this, this is the problem I have with our leadership, the CM and the commission should be on top of this, it really makes them look bad and reflects on their weak leadership for not being comprehensive in this respect.

  2. I read somewhere there were 152 suits. Sounds crazy to me.

  3. I don't fault the City Attorney for the law suits she is having to bring or defend.
    I do fault the commission for not having a review of their employee, but then they have resisted reviewing the City manager as well.

    I do fault her for rendering her opinion that the Commission MAY not fund a Charter required position (Internal Auditor)

    And if the "buck stops here", why wasn't she called on the carpet for her underling needing to resign due to malfeasance?

    When you look at the salary and benefit package it reinforces just how overpaid our "public servants" are.

    $130,000 base
    over a month and a half of paid time off not including holidays.

    6 months pay upon severance....

    Is it just ME?

  4. The City Manager has had 2 public performance reviews.

  5. You call those public performance reviews???? They did not ask the right questions. Didn't the City Manager make up the questions for those 2 reviews??

  6. The Performance Review was taken from some Professional Evaluation of City managers. Can't remember. However, some of the questions were not relative to our city or our city manager. Each commissioner evaluated her performance and Stanton got to do her own evaluation with suporting commentary.

    Varela and Maxwell gave her low reviews whereas McVoy, Golden and Mulvehill gave her better than good reviews.

  7. Imagine that! McVoy, Golden, and Mulvehill gave her better than good reviews.She should be fired for the mess she has put us in, increased taxes and special assessments.For all her new programs.

  8. Whenever I've heard her, my thoughts go to "the weakest link". This job needs presence with 152(?) opponents.
