Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

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The citizens of Lake Worth have a difficult time in trusting our elected officials when they spend our money with impunity and believe that they are entitled...when they make horrendously costly decisions and/or take that free lunch. We need to keep reminding them that they are out of touch and out of tune. November might be the wake-up call.

Corruption starts at the local level because this is where a vast percentage of politicians begin their careers. CREW keeps track of congressional corruption. We here in Palm Beach County now have an Inspector General which is funded by the taxpayers. The sense of entitlement that drive politicians galls us all even in the prosperous times. What compounds our wrath are those who give a spiel that perhaps PB County won't think ill thoughts of Lake Worth now that we signed with Fire/Rescue on a long-term Contract or those who want to "slash their paycheck" for being an elected official. Barf. We think ill of phonies, period.

CREW’s seventh report on congressional corruption names 19 members of Congress – 14 members whose actions violated the law or who otherwise engaged in serious misconduct, and five others whose lack of regard for the rules earned them a dishonorable mention. The 2010 midterm elections swept in a large freshman class, but certainly didn’t produce more ethical conduct. A startling 14 of the 19 members on the list are new to it this year, and six of those members are also new to Congress. Read more at CREW--click here

Two Florida Congressmen made the list.

1. Representative Vern Buchanan (R-FL) is a three-term member of Congress, representing Florida’s 13th district. His ethics issues stem from (1) pressuring partners and employees to make contributions to his campaign committee; (2) reimbursing them from his corporate funds; (3) trying to coerce a partner into signing a false affidavit; (4) improper use of corporate resources for campaign purposes. Rep. Buchanan was included in CREW’s 2008 and 2009 congressional corruption reports for related matters.

2. Representative David Rivera (R-FL) is a first term member of Congress, representing Florida’s 25th congressional district. He was a Florida state representative from 2002 until his election to Congress in 2010. His ethics issues stem from what appear to be multiple money laundering and tax evasion schemes involving: (1) his role in a pro-slots campaign; (2) repeatedly misreporting his income and liabilities on personal financial disclosure forms; (3) using campaign funds for personal benefit and to steer money to family and friends; and (4) his personal and professional ties to an ex-lobbyist and her consulting company.

Rep. Rivera is under criminal investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the Miami- Dade Police public corruption unit, and the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s office. It is unclear which entity has jurisdiction over specific pieces of the larger criminal probe, and the status of each investigation is unknown.

Thank God for watch-dog groups. Click here for my friend, Bett's Florida Wall of shame of convicted Florida politicians.


  1. Thanks Lynn, yes, thank God for groups like this. God is on our side. These politicians are so bad, all five of ours in our city stink, they do not listen to their constituents and could care less, they are so ego driven and do not return calls, letters, or e-mails. The forget they represent us. Do any of our current commissioners or mayor even work or hold legitimate jobs outside of their elected positions? Golden has a fluffy gov job, but does nothing, what does Maxwell do? The others are all unemployed loafers. Their only sense of power or security is having the titles of mayor or commissioner and they have gone to their heads. That is why when they feel entitled, they do unethical things and this is why so many are now in jail or under question. It won;t be long until our very own here are busted if they continue following orders from Stanton.

  2. Crew is a George Soros offshoot being funded by the Soros front groups of 1) Center for Democracy Alliance, 2) the Tides Foundation, 3) The Open Society Institute and by, 4) SEIU (Big Labor). Understanding the financing behind the group goes a long way in understanding why it is left leaning, and why only Republicans who are targeted. Its not that this is a bad thing, but it does help to look beneath the surface to determine the ulterior motives of an organization.

  3. Well, I can't stand the groups that you mentioned. However, there are both Republicans and Democrats on this list.

  4. Commissioner Mcvoy was let go by the state of Florida.Many people in this rotton Obama economy are out of work through no fault of their own.This state,under Ric Scott, is experiencing a huge brain drain. Scott doesn't want any stupid scientific evidence to get in the way of his campaign contributors poisoning our drinking water.

  5. Sounds possible about Rick Scott. Mcvoy though is not doing his job as a commissioner.

  6. Well if your going to mention Rick Scott I have a question? I support the drug testing however I heard that good ole Ricky owns a few drug testing clinics? Is that true??

    If so how about that! He is creating jobs after all (yes this is dripping with sarcasm)
