Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Business Booming in Lake Worth

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We need more of this type of story on Lake Worth.

Business Booming In Lake Worth - West Palm Beach News Story - WPBF West Palm Beach


  1. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Mulvehill is full of sh%& SHAME on us that we elected a moran to represent us!

  2. Gee where is the blighted ghetto that some claim lake Worth has become?

  3. PLAIN AND SIMPLE, Mulvehill is doing what she should be doing by marketing this city in a good light where people will want to come and invest. Thank God you're not a part of the Marketing Task Force--we would surely be in the crapper. :)

    It is bad enough keeping up with all the BS in this city but good PR should be recognized. Thanks, Suzanne. Thanks for calling the press and getting out excellent press for Lake Worth. They're not getting it from me these days.

  4. Lynn I read the article on your web site and it's a joke , they talk as if all and any business is in the Down Town area.
    The down town area is dead , who can believe any of this shit and if you really want to get to the truth about how business is really doing just go to any of the other business area's ( Marlin Park , North End Park behind ball parks, both north and south of lake ave along both sides of the rail road , and the old industrial park along 7th ave court North between Boutwell and I-95 and 12th ave south and Dixie Hwy in the south end. Of the ones that are still there , that haven't closed , they are just getting by and hoping for a miracle to happen .

    Propaganda is all that this is , wow, unbelievable and it's no different anywhere else in south Florida or the country for that matter.

  5. From my cousin who was kicked out of last week's meeting by Waterman--

    Lynn , I totally disagree with you , for good PR you need a good base to start with and people are not that dumb about Lake Worth , I go to the downtown area at lease 4 to 5 times a week both during the day and at night and the place is dead and empty .

    The Utilities rates are never going to come down as long as the city is involved ( middleman) and energy cost will continue to go up in to the future ( Peak OIL) , taxes are too high which lead to higher rents for small shops and there is nothing that small shops can sell that big corporation aren't already selling at lower cost, and there is no way that they will do any big volume .

    If you know anything about the food business then you know that it's a loser, only 1 or 2 restaurants will make any money year round if any in this economy, the bars will make some money but , again there's only enough crowd for 1 or 2 bars to make it, how many bars can we have down there?

    It's end game , the equilibrium in the business cycle between overhead cost and profits are gone , most business today are liability's and losers . The days of big money making ventures are gone at the small local levels and the city of Lake Worth ( like most city's ) is dying , we can't afford these city governments and pensions and the ponzi scheme doesn't work at the end.

    It's all very simple , we are deflating because there is little profits to be made or money to earn and so our tax base is shrinking , they can tax us all they want but , they will not get it because there is no money to pay the taxes. And yes a lot of people will lose their property because of nonpayment of taxes but that takes a long time and in the mean time the city is not getting their money now.

    If there is hell below , we are all going . Curtis Mayfield .

  6. Spreading lies is not the same as good P.R.

  7. We own a business downtown and I wish Mulvehill will give us some of the stuff that she's smoking! Forget about profits, we are all holding on just to survive and pay our bills! Our electric is over $4000 amonth, rent to be paid, insurance etc, etc. Enough smoke and mirrors! Mulvehill is self-serving! I agree with PLAIN AND SIMPLE. MULVEHILL IS FULL OF SH??!!

  8. That is an opinion. You didn't point out the lies.

    Have you ever considered that if this city and its assets were marketed and promoted that more people would move here to live and own a business? Do you see that possibility at all? Or do you only see the trees?

  9. FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($4000) for electric! We all can see beyond the trees that's why we're holding on and trying to survive. MULVEHILL IS NOT INVESTED IN THIS CITY! She doesn't own property, she doesn't own a business and she's not of sound mind! You can't market a GHETTO with lies. Mulvehill is only trying to market herself to the public. Only REVOLUTION can save Lake Worth! HONESTY is not a word in her dictionary! LYNN,I really thought you finally saw the light, I am so sad you haven't.

  10. We've invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in our business. We can see beyond the trees, it's the DEAD WOOD we can't see beyond! Lynn don't add insult to injury. You're not spending the money we are just to survive idiots like Mulvehill and the Hell Hole she continues to dig!

  11. Because I disagree with you on this does not mean that I don't see the light. Sorry you can't see the positives in marketing this city to draw investment and home ownership.

    Again, where did she lie? Please, let's not hit people below the belt here. It is only your opinion that she is self-serving. I do not see it that way at all. She's not running this November. You were probably the one who talked about anarchists in the last election and now you are calling for revolution.

    Gee, we are all so confused. :) Step back. Smell the roses a little bit. Some people really are trying to make a positive influence on LW. Promoting and marketing it is certainly that.

  12. Thank you for making my point. INVESTMENT and HOME OWNERSHIP, none of which Mulvehill subscribe to! Let's find someone with at least half a brain to promote and market. Again, what is she smoking?

  13. Ok--I give up with you. You want to hold Mulvehill responsible for all the ills of this city and beyond, go for it.

    This city consists of more than half who are renters. You want to condemn renters now? Do you think that only those who own their own home and live in it have a brain? Someone owns every single property in this city. I would just like to see people living here, rather than buying up properties to rent. I would also just like to see this city prosper and it won't if people focus on negatives instead of positives that would draw people here.

    How do you think we should turn it around? Let's hear some solutions. One of mine would be not to raise taxes in this economy.

  14. Not raise taxes and STOP ALL SPENDING! The people of Lake Worth should not be at the mercy of officials that can't handle their OWN finances! How can she promote investment and home ownership in this city, when she BAILED OUT! (FORCLOSURE) We have a beautiful city with huge potential! We need a new commission and city manager! Mulvehill insults my intelligence
    with her public babble!

  15. The lie is that promised 12% drop in commercial electric rates. Let those of us who pay enormous fees know when it happens.

    We have a rather substantial, highly regarded investment that's not only a regional drawing factor, but also provides overflow business for this town's restaurants and shops. We've supported city events for years from our own pockets without thanks or public acknowledgment, and didn't expect any fake plaques for the effort. I was here to help reform the CRA when property values crashed in the late 1980s, established a program to assist businesses that rejuvinated the downtown corridor and personally oversaw the restructuring of the ad-valorum base with county officials, without ANY help from the city that benefited from the result. Like many others with professional backgrounds suited to thoughtful long-range planning and redevelopment of this town, my frustration is largely with the amateurs in government and their supporters.

    An opinion is fine... but facts and the results of practical application are preferred.

  16. Lynn, you're a woman of courage! You have my respect! Sitting thru the city meetings would reduce me to jello. The BABBLE tonight is unbearable! GOD HELP US!

  17. Lynn: answering your question on lies...some people are known to EXAGGERATE and don't feel like they are necessarily telling untruths - SM unfortunately thinks she has been the savior of Lake Worth with what she thinks is marketing while she is blindfolded with HER EGO and has used every way possible to spread exaggeration through the media-videos and at the front doors of LW.

