Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Boynton Beach Raises Fire Assessment

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"Using a fee rather than property taxes disproportionately burdens lower-income residents," said Jonathan Dwork, a former volunteer firefighter. Jonathan gets it.

Read about Boynton Beach sticking it to their residents just like Lake Worth did last night.

Lake Worthians, get used to our city raising special assessments every year just like Boynton. The next time one of your friends or neighbors say, well it's only $60, tell them the score.


  1. Hey firemen-are you happy that you and your fellow greedy pigs are raping every household in the city? Protect and serve,my AZZ!

  2. No one is raping the city but STANTON and the four commissioners that vote on her behalf. Please, keep exposing the lunacy of this board! THANK GOD FOR BLOGS

  3. LYNN, because of your honesty and transparency in your Blog, you are no longer the "darling" of this City Commission and so-called City Manager. I am certain if you continue to expose this Commission we will have a positive outcome in the November election! THAK GOD FOR BLOGS

  4. They all knew going into this grab the cash and replenish the kitty period that they would be in trouble with the voters. Unfortunately, a lot of people have no clue as to what is going on in their own city. Politicans, all of them, count on our ignorance. They are also counting on the fact that only 15 people read blogs. They believe that, just like they believe that the city manager is God and that she is actually the boss, not they. They believe that, just like they believe that WE THE PEOPLE are not their bosses. As I said, I have a memory like an elephant. I have literally had some people crying about this.

  5. LYNN, I know the wrath of the so-called City Manager! Keep blogging...her days are numbered! THANK GOD FOR BLOGS

  6. The truth of the matter here is, yes, it is the City Manager's Budget. However, it is the Commisison that can approve or disapprove. So who really should get the blame or the credit? Even Maxwell did not disapprove of the principle of the special assessment. I do give him a lot of credit for standing up for the people he serves, however.

  7. LYNN, the truth of the matter is,,,we are all spinning our wheels until we elect responsible people in November. ALL OUR ENERGY SHOULD BE FOCUSED ON THE NOVEMBER ELECTION! This blog can make that a reality! THANK GOD FOR BLOGS

  8. I have no plans of getting actively involved. It is up to the candidates to plead their case this time.

  9. LYNN, you don't have to support any candidate! Just keep reporting the facts and in November we will have new hope in our city! THANK GOD FOR BLOGS

  10. Lynn, respectfully by not getting involved this time you run the risk being preceived as giving up. We both know now is not the time for this to happen. People are motivated and because of your message. The candidates will plead their case and that is up to them to get THEIR message heard. If change is going to happen citizens like you need to be involved and stay involved.There are hard choices to be made and you, of all the good citizens of this city, should not shy away from letting the people know who are best to help make the changes .Apathy is not the answer. Stay active and keep us all informed.

  11. P.M.M.
    I always believe in people 100% until they betray my beliefs to the point of no return. No matter who is running and who might win, it will be all of the same. We will substitute one "nice" person for another who will vote his/her will and not the people's. Believing that more and more, I will continue to blog on what turns me on. All of we bloggers will do the same and post our feelings. All 15 of us.

  12. We are all different every one of us.That is what makes this country special.We all have the opportunity to make change.It does not have to be always the same.If everybody felt this way there would be no democracy and anarchism would truly prevail.

  13. LYNN, "15 is all we need" to change the guard! THANK GOD FOR BLOGS

  14. Well I just opened up my notice to property owner, and I'm please to see a fair amount of info. But not pleased to get double billed, why am I'm going to have to pay $120, well because my home has a carriage house. I'm wondering if everyone with two structures is ending up with double bills?


    Plus we've got a rental so I'm paying triple. I sure would love someone to pay into my 401k.
