Friday, September 30, 2011

Billions in Tax Credits to Illegal Aliens

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It’s an Obama World.

Not only do illegal aliens not have to worry about being caught and deported – they even get billions in tax credits.

The Washington Post reported:

The Internal Revenue Service allowed undocumented workers to collect $4.2 billion in refundable tax credits last year, a new audit says, almost quadruple the sum five years ago.

Although undocumented workers are not eligible for federal benefits, the report released by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration concludes that federal law is ambiguous on whether these workers qualify for a tax break based on earned income called the additional child tax credit.

Taxpayers can claim this credit to reduce what they owe in taxes, often getting refunds from the government. The vagueness of federal law may have contributed to the $4.2 billion in credits, the report said.

The IRS said it lacks the authority to disallow the claims.

Wage earners who do not have Social Security numbers and are not authorized to work in the United States can use what the IRS calls individual taxpayer identification numbers. Often these result in fraudulent claims on tax returns, auditors found.


  1. Many illegals now have false voters' registration cards(sold for a few dollars) and drivers' licenses(15000 sold in Delray Beach alone by DMV clerks in Cadillac Escalades,
    millions can now vote for Obama and Rick Perry who wants us to pay for education of those neanderthals!Watch out in traffic for those false drivers licensed apes, they have no insurance,trying to cause collisions, know how to sue American workers.
    When their primitive genes produce an odd creature we must be sued for it!I hope idiots don't pay, let them go back to their own Government!

  2. This is the first time in history that the IRS has said it does not have the authority to do something!
