Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Utility Customer Service

Last night, Government Services Group, when asked, said it wanted to bring in its own 16 employees for the next 30 days to keep our Utility customer service department afloat. They have lost managers and there is no one leading the ship. However, what was not said last night, was that Lake Worth is advertising in order to staff that department in the future and one week ago ran the ad below.


Getting your ducks all in a row is good but let's get all the documentation to the City Commission that will include any possible situation, discounting nothing, so that they can make the right determination. Sometimes starting a department from scratch is the only solution. In the case of Lake Worth Utility Customer Service, that is the case. What the city can do is enter into a contract for one year and then evaluate the improvement. Anything will be better than what we now have.

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