Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lake Worth featured in Neighborhood News of the Palm Beach Post

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Featured in the Neighborhood News section of the Palm Beach Post today is an article by Willie Howard entitled Lake Worth Council working on 100th anniversary plans.

Unfortunately the link does not provide all the photos that were in the Post that featured the Neighborhood Council's Chairman, Ryan Anderson on the front cover at the July 4th Kayak race, as well as Robert Waples President of ROLOH, Mary Lindsey President of College Park and former commissioner, Nadine Burns of the Eden Place Neighborhood Association.


  1. Of course those people were left out of the story. What do they all have in common?
    They all think the BCE and the BCME are actually the worst BCE and BCME.
    We are turning a corner!

  2. They weren't left out of the story--quite the contrary. THEY WERE FEATURED IN IT. I guess missed that in your hurry to attack.
