Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jo-Ann Golden Qualifies to Run in November

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If you click the link, the pit bulls have already started their attack campaign nonsense.


  1. Beautiful photo. Good luck, Joanne.

  2. Four years is enough. She has proven she is unable to do anything to turn this city around. She has no new ideas, no new vision and adds nothing to the leadership of this city. She has allowed our City Manager to take over and is a simply rubber stamp. I pray we can find someone better than this and really believe that everyone needs to be replaced up there.

  3. By, bye Scott. Is that what you believe? Do you really blame her for this economic turn? At least she has tried to be accountable for spending unlike the CRA candidate. Who CAN turn this city around? Andy? Can anyone? Let's get realistic.

  4. Maybe the IG will look into Golden's previous connections with the CDC. More than smoke there.

  5. She's been a commissioner for 4 years and she has accomplished nothing. The economy tanked but our city took a much bigger hit. She loves the illegals and votes for anything that will help them. She even tried to stop the placement of Neighborhood Association banners because she felt it was unfair that poor neighborhoods would not have them. If you live in one of those "poor" areas of the city you can thank Golden for the lack of code that has resulted in the illegal takeover of your neighborhoods. She does not represent the entire city and should step down and help the poor with her trust fund money. She has a social agenda that has hurt this city. Just drive around our western neighborhoods and see what she has done. She is Cara's right hand woman. Send her packing!

  6. Isn't Photoshop a wonderful advance for our species!

  7. Come on now, Wes. Even movie stars have professional photos done. This is a wonderful photo. No one can help that you are so good looking that you don't need a pro.

  8. I like J. Golden. At least she is not a porno king.

  9. Whoa....Amoroso a "porno KING"??
    While I've never bought nor really seen porno, how can you disagree with any citizen's right to sell it?
    You would be shocked at how many upstanding citizens purchase that kind of material.

    If the public didn't want it, it wouldn't exist.
    It is in a room at the back of the shop and one can choose to go in there, or not.
    have you seen the YouTube music video that Cara's gang made?
    Now that was offensive to me - 2 scenes in particular...

  10. No one gave the "Porno King" a name but you. As far as selling it, is pornography against the law? I have never heard that anyone in this downtown sold it. Do they?

    Cara's not running for office. So, you can be offended at that stupid YouTube but not by porn?

  11. Cara is about to be appointed to p&z

  12. Go in the back room at Andy's shop not only does he sell porn, but sex toy's also

  13. "Cara is about to be appointed to the P&z",,, so what?Cara would be very qualified to be on that board. Why don't you apply?

  14. Why don't I apply? I didn't pay my dues to the anarchist alliance.

  15. Mr. Smarty Pants!!!
    Look, the anarchist alliance thing didn't work in the election, so take a hike.
    As far as implying that it is a stacked deck, don't forget that several people were chosen for city boards that may not be on their side of politics: Wes Blackman is a perfectly good example of that. Andy Amoroso was chosen for the CRA and he is running against Jo-Ann. Chip Guthrie was chosen. So your remark just doesn't cut it just like it never really does.

    I have been to every board interview, and this commission has been fair in its appointments and they were based on qualifications, tempermanent and whether that person would be a good fit. There was a situation last year that was questionable.

  16. Lynn. You can not invent facts. Your opinion means nothing to people who pay attention. Golden is a puppet and so is Waterman, Mulvehill and McVoy.

  17. What ARE the facts anoynmous? Your opinion means NOTHING TO ME when you can't even post under your real name and stand up for your convictions.

    Name the facts of which you speak. Are you talking again about her retort to Manny that was taken out of context? Is it because the COMMISSION often agrees with the city manager's goals to get us out of this financial mess? What exactly?

    Who are all the commissioners puppets to? Who is telling them how to think and how to vote? Spout your facts other wise take your personal attacks somewhere else.

    So glad that you "pay attention" AND THAT I DO NOT. I just would prefer that you at least know what in hell you are talking about.

  18. There were quite a few residents fr College Park with great resumes who applied for boards and only one was accepted.
    I think your term rings true..."a good fit.."
    College Park residents in the eyes of the commission just 'don't fit in'.....

  19. Better said, SOME of the residents of College Park do not fit in to a particular Board for which they applied just as some residents of all the other neighborhoods might not fit it.

    As I attend every single Board interview meeting, I would not have been so agreeable to some they did choose even though the resumes might have been spectacular.

  20. Golden is the best and there is no anarchist alliance. It's just a coincidence that they all think and vote exactly alike.
    You all have beat the u.s. economy tanked thing to death. What has Golden done to move the city forward financially? There ARE other cities in PB County that are progressing. I don't mean taxing and spending other people's money, on the r.o. plant or the train wreck at the beach I mean name one great idead she brought forward?
    You are such an apologist for the WCE. LOOK AROUND THE CITY!

  21. Yup, the city has been a pigsty for years. Now it's Golden that did it all on her own. What a freakin bozo. What cities are progressing? LW is totally built-out. How would you like them to progress more than they are right now? Do you have a secret ball and a secret wad of cash you want to donate to the city? Please expound in all your wisdom.

  22. At Least she does not peddle PORN

  23. So that's your criteria for a good commissioner?
    She does want lake worth to be a destination for illegal immigrants and the poor.
    But she doesn't peddle porn.
    Good thinking.
