Friday, August 5, 2011

Inspector General Attends Lake Worth Meeting

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Sheryl Steckler

Prompted by a complaint from Wes Blackman, the Inspector General of Palm Beach County attended last night's commission meeting on the casino tenants.

The Inspector General's office:
  • Provide independent oversight of County and Municipal operations;
  • Detect and prevent fraud, waste, mismanagement, misconduct, and other abuses by elected and appointed officials and employees, agencies and instrumentalities, contractors, their subcontractors and lower tier subcontractors, and other parties doing business with the county or a municipality and/or receiving county or municipal funds;
  • Promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness in government; and
  • Conduct audits and investigations of, require production of documents from, and receive full and unrestricted access to the records.


  1. Wes Blackman, everyone's protector.

  2. More like Wes Blackman wants people held accountable. What's wrong with that?
    I guess you don't like the fact that after all your false accusations about corruption there really may be some corruption and your peeps are involved.
    Thanks Wes

  3. Just ask Elizabeth, there is NO corruption in Lake Worth. :)

    Ask any of the Dirty Dozen about false accusations--they are the experts. Here we are like Fox News. :) :) :>)

  4. Actually you really are fair in what you write. I am one of those wacko open border people though so I don't agree with you there. Sure don't agree with you on Allen West. Most of what you write has interest and fairness. Even your opinion is supported by reasons. It's not as if you are blowing smoke. Keep it up. Thanks.

  5. Can someone please turn in Wes for being such a ditz? Maybe someone who knows Dee could get her to do it.

  6. Wes and Dee, what strange bedfellows.

  7. If nothing wrong has been done, then the BCE and the BCCE have nothing to fear. However I think we all know that there are a lot of skeletons in the closets in this city.

  8. Wes wrote one letter to the OIG. If the IG felt his concerns were unfounded that would have been the end of this. But the IG must have thought things needed further investigation; thus, the multiple letters from the OIG to the City requesting a lot of documents. I want the casino project to be a success, but I don't want future problems to be on the backs and in the wallets of taxpayers.
