Saturday, August 6, 2011

Guess who's leaving town?

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Located in a highly desirable waterfront location on S. Lakeside Drive, guess who's selling their house?

Listed at $799,000, read the fabulous property description.


  1. Isn't that Lisa Maxwell's lovingly restored historic home!

  2. What we know from the picture and description is that her house in on the market. We do not know if she is leaving town.

  3. Thanks, Wes, thus my question mark in the title. Now don't turn my in to the IG.

  4. a very good source indicates she is looking for another home in lake worth in preparation od starting a family...perhaps a simple phone call to her would confirm

  5. I wish Lisa a speedy sale to move anywhere her heart desires out of town. She can then worry about some other city's budget as enthusiastically as she has worried about this one. God speed.

  6. A simple phone call? To confirm? Who cares?

  7. Apparently Lynn cares
    And 10:02 you're right why should anyone other than the wcme and wce worry about the budget, things are going so well in their hands.

  8. Maybe if we had more people understanding the budget we would all be better off. You know it better than they do?

  9. It took two elections full of it. Bye.

  10. In all due respect to Ms. Maxwell, her campaign did not use the negative personal attack against her opponents. Even though the majority of voters disagreed with the message, she kept it clean. For that aspect alone, I can say that she gets my respect and that she was head over heals above Mr.R.

  11. Any stolen public right of ways included in this property?

  12. The question mark at the end of "Guess who's leaving town?" refers to who is leaving :"Guess"
    Not WHETHER Lisa is leaving town.
    No need to get snippy with Wes there...he was correct in his statement.
    It is nice that you now appreciate the way Lisa ran her campaign - so why was this blog the only voice that was spiteful, negative and spewed insults at Lisa Maxwell and her campaign constantly?
    You were the major negative that dragged the campaign into the mud.
    Do you not see how hypocritical your praise of her campaign is now?

  13. Your comment is exactly why you or your candidate lost.

    I was the major truth-teller during this campaign. You can see it as what you will.

    I was not a candidate. If I had been, I would have gotten in the truth without being "negative." When I talk about negative, I talk about someone MAKING CRAP UP that are lies. Ramiccio did that to perfection.

    Wes, of course, is correct but you took it and read it the way you wanted to. I have no idea whether or not she is leaving town or just selling her house and that is why the question mark.

    Have a great day and keep up the personal attacks. Maybe you're Tom afterall.

  14. Good going, LA. You killed the Maxwell campaign and did the same with Tom's. Life could not be sweeter.

  15. True. Thanks for being a driving force of reason in this city. Now we have another election to go through. It does get to be a drag after awhile. This commission should be given a chance to finish what it has started. Golden needs to stay in place.

  16. Wow Lynn-you have the power to kill campaigns! Who knew?

  17. "I was the major truth teller during this campaign." Lynn you wouldn't the truth if it walked up and introduced itself to you twice. And after spending most of the last campaign period running negative personal stories about Maxwell that were fed to you by Waterman's people, to now say that she gets your respect after trashing her for 6 weeks is really the height of hypocrisy, even by your hyopcratic standards.

  18. You are entitled to your warped and totally uniformed opinion but that is why you or your candidate LOST. I think I already said that.

    First of all, the Waterman campaign NEVER contacted me for anything. No one's campaign ever did.

    I call it as I see it so there are times you or Ms. waterman or anyone will disagree. Again, your perogative.
