Sunday, July 24, 2011

Woman dies driving over Lake Osborne Bridge

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Another Lake Worth car crash results in death.

Cars continue to drive over the speed limit on 6th Avenue South in Lake Worth west of I-95. The Sheriff does patrol sometimes during the week and sets up radar but on weekends, it can be a drag strip.


  1. I learned last evening that the girl was Cesar Figueroa's cousin. Driving home from Atlantis last night, there were tons of people parked and gathered for what appeared to be some sort of a memorial. Will learn the details of the accident today.

  2. Hi Lynn , this young lady ( Lauren) that died was the 20 yr old daughter of my cousin , Georgina Garcia. I don't know what actually happened but I suspect text messaging while driving , it's so sad , a lovely young lady.
    She was by herself driving home.
