Wednesday, July 27, 2011

U.S. Debt Ceiling

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*July 2011 - $14.406 trillion
•February 2010 - $14.294 trillion
•December 2009 - $12.394 trillion
•February 2009 - $12.104 trillion
•October 2008 - $11.315 trillion
•July 2008 - $10.615 trillion
•September 2007 - $9.815 trillion
•March 2006 - $8.965 trillion
•November 2004 - $8.184
•May 2003 - $7.384 trillion
•June 2002 - $6.4 trillion
•August 1997 - $5.95 trillion
•March 1996 - $5.5 trillion
•August 1993 - $4.9 trillion
•April 1993 - $4.37 trillion
•November 1990 - $4.145 trillion
•October 1990 - $3.23 trillion
•November 1989 - $3.1227 trillion
•August 1989 - $2.87 trillion
•September 1987 - $2.8 trillion
•August 1987 - $2.352 trillion
•July 1987 - $2.32 trillion
•October 1986 - $2.3 trillion

Who is to blame for our debt fiasco?

What is to blame for our debt crisis?

Where is the blame found for our debt fiasco?


  1. Another politician trying to jump in front of the parade, Bill Nelson sent out a mass e-mail trying to get comments on Obama's ploy to get voters to write their congressman to support a "fair" plan.

    I hope I did my part to let Nelson know that $14,000,000,000,000 is too much debt. We don't need to slow down spending, we need to CUT.

    People making $250K a year are NOT rich. They may be upper middle class, but they are not the Warren Buffet's of the world.

    Buffet pays 15% on his "gains" while the rest of us schlubs pay 23% on hard work and earned income. HE even complained about it, that his secretary paid a higher percentage that he did.


  2. How many times did Bush raise the debt ceiling, Reagan?
    7,18 why do you guys always forget to mention that?
    People that make $250k a year a rich compared to a family of 4 making $65k a year.

  3. So what's your end game? How high do we let the debt ceiling rise? $20 Trillion? Is that enough for ya? Then what after THAT?

    Who is telling you how that figure EVER goes down? How do we start paying the debt back. That takes more than a balanced budget... it takes a surplus and a big one.

    How can we keep spending money we don't have just because we can print more.

    It is not fair to us, our children or our grandchildren. Why compare to Bush or Reagan? Stop the insanity NOW!!!

  4. I seem to remember that the last time we had a balanced budget and a surplus was when Clinton left office.
    If I'm wrong please correct me.

  5. That's true and it was because of the Republicans who were in the majority.
