Friday, July 29, 2011

Sometimes it pays to keep your mouth shut

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It looks like Lois Frankel's butting in to the feud between Rep. Allen West and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is now causing her to return a $5,000 donation! Ah, too bad, Lois.

Read the rest of the story at The Broward New Times.


  1. Maybe Mayor Waterman could learn something here.... I can't afford Ice Cream.... My heart goes out for her.... Maybe Her Husband and She should get real JOBS......

  2. Well, perhaps to afford ice cream cones nowadays, people need 2 full-time jobs. The last time I bought one at Kilwins, I couldn't believe the price. It was the most expensive damn cone I had ever eaten and I swore I would not buy one there again. Now I go to Rita's. Have you bought chocolate there? Unbelievbable. What about fudge at $15 a lb? This is Lake Worth not Palm Beach.

    P.S. Both the Mayor and her husband do have real jobs and probably even Lois Frankel would agree on that one. Rachel is looking out for the people of LW.

  3. Eating an ice cream cone at Kilwins is a luxury that an average family can not afford as is going to the movies.

  4. Frankel doesn't want to serve the people-she wants the power and benefits of public office in 21st century America. It's become really sad that Frankel and her ilk get to be on the public dole for the rest of their lives because they held an office.Fund raising has taken priority over true service to the taxpayers. Sick!

  5. Hummer's vs. Ice-cream Trucks: Ever just go to watch the Bike's roll pass the local establishments in Downtown L.W. or stroll and listen to the music? I'm just saying you could try to look @ the positive side, that's free and btw no one said you had to spend a dime.

    Munchkins and Pets "be still" love to dance and sing along to the outdoor band playing across the street from Killwin's, there's no charge!:)
    ... What's UNFORTUNATE is there are not enough affordable places like it! Where they can explore for free the gift that music brings, marching in a band and all while playing pretend!
    ... What's ASHAME is only a few yards away is a library full of fairytales and dreams that over looks a empty nest surrounded by the most lushous trees and in the middle should "TWEET" Adult's put on your thinking caps! Relax and enjoy the music performances and on deck is???
    ...What's $AD and make me MADD is there should be a saftey drive for helmets. Watch out for the future winner's as they try to circle around in training wheels if you D.A.R.E. or ride the beginners ramps on sight.

    Worth Ave vs. MY2cents:
    ****GROW-UP!UP & Away~
    A single scoop of Superman Ice-cream, Ring-Pop or Candy=Bars! I love watching my children dance, drip and laugh while gazing @ stars.~P:x:eP:rate

  6. Kilwin's is GREAT!! Rita's is GREAT too. The clientele is different.

    John G's "was" GREAT! The Pelican is GREAT too. Same as above.

    Why not invite people into Lake Worth that can afford Kilwin's, or in my case, go to Kilwin's when I can, but mostly go to Rita's because it's cheaper.

    When the Ritz opened, I went there for breakfast. I knew it would be costly, but I wanted to see what it was like. I could have bought 4 breakfasts at IHOP for what that one cost. (I haven't gone there for dinner)

    What is wrong with luring affluent people who can afford to spend their money in our town, helping our local businesses and local economy, instead of them having to go to City Place where there IS a movie theater as well as upscale stores, restaurants and bars (oops, I siad it). And yes, there is also an ice cream shop there, Sloane's, that makes Kilwin's a bargain. Or Delray for that matter.

    The "Race to the Bottom" of Palm Beach County is entering the final turn, and we are several lengths ahead of Belle Glade, Pahokee and South Bay. And to think we were just behind Delray Beach a few years ago, but keeping up a steady pace. Look how far they have advanced and we have slid backwards, possibly irreparably so.

  7. Your ideas are good ones but the really affluent go to Palm Beach or somewhere like that. We have to be able to retain our businesses during the summer months when the tourists and snowbirds are not here. That means, we need affordable places for poeple to shop and dine. One of my favorite stores is struggling and may have to close. Why? In my opinion the prices are too high particularly when I can find the same thing out of town at one-half the price.

    I disagree with your statement that we are heading for a "race to the bottom." Quite the contrary. The City and the commission is doing everything possible to turn the city in the other direction. It will take some time but it is going to happen in spite of what naysayers think and say and continue to tear this city apart.

  8. Lynn, we are not "heading" for the "Race to the Bottom". Name ONE city in Palm Beach County that is doing worse than us. Arguably, it is one of the Western communities, but, just step back and THINK about that.

    I may have exaggerated just a little about being in the lead... but look at the competition in the "Race to the Bottom". How many are on the intracoastal? How many are on the Atlantic Ocean?

    OK, so we don't have Lake Okeechobee in our back yard, so we don't have as many NASCAR Fans.

    Just keep remembering what our new Mayor said about "Social Progressivism". How much lower can we go?

  9. we may not have the Lake, but we do have the Beach, a
    golf Course, and Park on the water, and we are still way behind our neighbors to the north, and south.. Let's get our city heading in the right direction and all will be much happier.. That means raise taxes.And keep the great public services ie Sheriff and Fire that we already have....

  10. We have a lot of great amenities in Lake Worth.
    Taxes have been raised to the MAX, or haven't you heard?
    Are you one of those tax and spend left winged Dems? You know, the ones who have raised the debt ceiling to over $14 trillion with our country right now in peril?
    Tell us, how do we afford the Fire Pension benefits? Why not pay all of them the 172% of payroll yourself? We may be behind several cities right now, but in a few more years it will be different. The right direction would be for you to stop being so negative about what the city has and is achieving. Look at the facts and not the propaganda.

  11. Talking of spending like a left winged Dem, have you happened to notice the amount of studies that have been done in the past few months
    for a city that is Broke... Or the amount of Law Suits that the CM have facing the CITY.....;

  12. Lynn I have lived in this city for over 25 years, and we continue to hear in a few more years, a few more years... It is starting to sound like a broken record. While we continue to be a few years away, Delray, West Palm Beach, and Now Boynton Beach have left us in the Dust

  13. I believe in Studies 100%. We must know the facts before we make major decisions that affect each and every one of us here. If the CM believes that we need professionals to analyze the data, so be it. Good moves.

    Yes, there are an abundance of law suits but then there is always that someone who just won't shut up and take a decision as a final. He's smarter than Staff. I can think of several ridiculous law suits: Greater Bay and Sunset come to my immediate mind.

  14. Anonymous at 4:14--Perhaps they made better Union contracts than did Lake Worth who obviously gave away the farm. Perhaps they did not encounter missing millions of $$ as has Lake Worth. Perhaps they had better administrators in the past. Who knows but I can tell you that decisons of late are going to be great for LW. Give it a chance to work.

  15. In Just A Few More Years......

  16. Lynn, what flavor is the Kool-aide you're drinking?

  17. A lot sweeter flavor than you drink. Missed your zappy comments. Where have you been? Hanging on to a job? Sorry, I forgot. Puppets don't work.
