Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A "Smoothie" Operation

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A campaign innovation--Smoothies
Made fresh to order

Waterman thinks out of the box!


  1. Are they using a generator to power the blender? Don't they know generators cause pollution?
    If Waterman REALLY thought out of the box, she would have Cara and Peter there powering the blender by bike power.
    Oh right I forgot. There can't be any public connection until after the election.

  2. It's a magnetic generator--no pollution.

  3. Other than having yet another foreclosed clown representing the city I could care less who wins. If Tom loses (and he will), he loses. It's people like you, that tie your own personal success or failure to whether your candidate wins or not regardless of their record, win or lose is the loser.
    I'm going to do just fine either way which is the opposite of loser. Thanks.
    Besides your just mad cuz you can't ever think of anything witty or funny to post. Except of course for your classic- "you losers are going to lose". Compare that to that gem of a post mocking the photo 3 different ways in 1 sentence.
