Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ramiccio will not run in November

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One of his smartest decisions to date.


  1. Did the clean air in Geneva spark this rare moment of clarity on Ramiccio's part?Did the Republican machine decline to be burned twice?Maybe Tom can go to one of his "conveince " store friends and help them by selling booze after hours.Maybe he can help the downtown merchants by picking up cigarette butts in front of the businesses. He would be providing a much more useful service to our downtown than he ever did as head of the Chamber Pot.

  2. I'm a girl not an A-hole.

  3. Hey Tom,talking about disclosures- why don't you finally join hands with your good friend Mark Foley and take that giant leap out of the closet?!?

  4. you may be a girl but you sure are no lady in the words of Allen West.

  5. That's very good Mr. Ramicco, call someone an **shole in a public forum. Well at least you spelled it correctly.

    By the way the question was asked over and over on the forums, why did you call Code on Havana Hideaway the day before the first Bike Night?

    Be a big boy and answer this question, or call me an obscenity, it's your choice.

    And no, I will not tell you my name, like so many in Lake Worth I am afraid of you.
