Sunday, July 31, 2011

Quotes of the Day - On Cutting Defense Budget

"If Senator Reid's plan passes--if we stand idly by while this administration spends down its domestic spending spree with the blood and sweat of our troops--our military will break. The Army and Marines are stretched dangerously thin, separated from their families, and using hardware that has been chewed up by a decade of fighting."

~Buck McKeon (R, Calif.), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, warned that Reid's bill would cut defense by more than $400 billion beyond Boehner's plan over 10 years.

“I heard some things that really sent a chill down my spine…. Commanders told me that we’re starting to have to budget toilet paper into the barracks. In other words, the military is already facing a budget crunch; further cuts will exacerbate the situation and make it impossible to carry out the armed forces’ vital missions."

~Allen West (R, FL)

It would be extraordinarily difficult and very high risk to cut defense by $800 billion as envisioned by Harry Reid. While the Reid bill appears dead for the time being, cuts of those levels could still be revived–unless Republicans hold firm.

~Gen. Martin Dempsey, the nominee to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

"Budgets are moral documents; they do reflect the character of a nation. I sure hope we're not judged by the tea party's budget proposals."

~Joshua Stockley professor of political science at ULM.

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