Friday, July 15, 2011

Quote of the Day - Allen West

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"If you want to rehabilitate a crack addict why give them more crack? If you want to reform fed govt, why raise taxes & give them more money?"

~Congressman Allen West

Last evening I got a call. Allen West was conducting a Town Hall meeting via telephone. The call incorporated many people throughout District 22 from all political parties--his constituents. Some who were on the call who were not of his political Party, thanked him, saying it was a first. Allen West responded that he was elected to represent all of the people in District 22.

As he was in Washington, he still wanted to reach out to the people to let them know his opinion on some of the important issues of the moment, with the main one of Obama's--increasing the debt ceiling.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Concerned American,

    President Obama must be grinning from ear to ear.

    Not only has the news reported yesterday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is scheming to raise the debt ceiling with no real spending cuts, but if this plan goes through, Senator McConnell will have handed yet more power over to the Executive Branch - just because the Senate GOP Leadership doesn't want to have to "deal with it" again!

    In addition to surrendering more of Congress' power to President Obama, there is no timetable for the cuts in the bill - so they're rendered effectively meaningless.

    And the ceiling will be raised "automatically" THREE TIMES during this Congress alone!

    If this plan goes through, Senator McConnell will have betrayed you, me, and every other freedom-loving patriot in America.

    That's why it's vital you sign the petition urging your representative and senators to oppose Mitch McConnell's raw deal - and any other phony compromise on the debt ceiling - IMMEDIATELY.

    Ron Paul
