You can win by an over-whelming majority but there are always politicians who want to stick the vote right in your ear. Read all about it here.
An interesting note from the article says "GOP influence in Lake Worth race: Republicans make up 22.5 percent of Lake Worth voters, but cast 47.6 percent of the absentee ballots in last week's special mayoral election. The county GOP sought to help registered Republican Tom Ramiccio in the nonpartisan, four-candidate contest. Ramiccio finished second and faces top vote-getter Rachel Waterman in a July 12 runoff."
Getting out the vote will help win this.
No Candidate in this last election has ever contributed in any concrete(not promises,bull) way, to the improvement of the quality of life of us tax payers.Adventurers, self promoting carpetbaggers, all want the title,no one has ever done the entire jobs, associated with those positions.
ReplyDeleteThe results are what we are living with!
$,000,000,- deficit and counting with the lazy,unverified,Commissions Consent agenda millions in spendings!
Has Ramiccio forgotten that he warned us against selling to FPL because they were forming a Monopoly in South Florida,to enrich it's stockholders, in 2000????
ReplyDeleteRomano strangled us with FMPA who buys our electricity for approx.$45.- per Mega Watt and and we must buy it back for double from them.Thieves don't acknowledge this and want steal our Independant Electric Generation.,with how much Commission,$1,000,000,-?????
Scott maxwell made a motion to join ARP ,(All Requirements Project) which forces us to hand over any alternate energy we could produce(solar,wind,ethanol, in dead Park of Commerce)to FMPA under the same condition.
This is Scott maxwell's sole contribution to our Cityfurther shoving us into FMPA.