Monday, July 4, 2011

Pie Baking and July 4th events in Lake Worth

Our beautiful friend, Michele Bell, owner of 531 East Boutique, coordinated the pie baking contest yesterday in downtown Lake Worth. Greg Rice was Emcee. Barbara Jean reneged on baking a rhubarb or coconut creme pie just for Commissioner Scott Maxwell--too busy she claimed. Read all about the pie contest here.

Today will be a lot of fun for all at our Bryant Park July 4th festivities. Can't wait for that Dunk Tank event.

-11am – Win 10th Annual Raft Regatta!
-Theme: Rub a Dub Dub Three Men in a Tub
-Dress up as a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker and be sure to bring water guns!
-12pm – 3pm
-Bryant Park Band Shell
-Dunk Tank, Tug-of-War, Sack Race, Live Music, Great Food Hot off the Grill!
-9pm fireworks

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