Sunday, July 17, 2011

Letter to the Editor - Remember Tax Raisers' Names

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Lake Worth High School alumnus, Randall Hall, wrote a Letter to the Editor. It is featured below.

Palm Beach Post
Sunday, July 17, 2011

While most political entities (cities, state, etc.,) are not increasing taxes during these hard economic times, Palm Beach County is going the other way. The commissioners have voted 4-3 to increase our property taxes next year. The four commissioners who voted in favor of increasing taxes are: Burt Aaronson, Shelley Vana, Jess Santamartia and Priscilla Taylor.

Remember those names the next time you vote for your commissioner. It looks like we need to replace them and give somebody else a chance to manage the county.

Randall Hall
Lake Worth


  1. I hope that our elected officials don't raise our taxes. I hope that they have the common sense to say NO to a 300,000 auditor. Scott,Christopher,Joanne,Suzanne and now Rachel-remember who you work for-the taxpayers of Lake Worth,not an employee that our tax dollars pay for,Susan Stanton.

  2. Randall is right. It is nuts to raise taxes in this economy. Sounds like Obama to me. Someone asked me if the CM was a Democrat. What else?

  3. Cut positions or go to a 4 day work week or 32 hours vs. 40. Is that a solution during these lean times? Probably the Union would stop any forward motion on that idea. They do control and run the City, doncha know.

  4. Rachel's work is cut out for her.
