Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just call her Madam Mayor

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She did it and all on her own terms, door knocking and meeting the public throughout this campaign. After meeting her, people liked her. They could feel her sincerity and that she cared. Liking a candidate makes all the difference. Keeping her campaign message up-beat and positive, the 40 year old mother of two, Rachel Waterman, is Lake Worth's new mayor.

Tom Ramiccio
44.33% 1,205
Rachel Waterman
55.67% 1,513



  1. Congratulations Rachel!Very well run campaign. Katie Mcgiveron

  2. Waterman's victory makes it clear that Lake Worth is no longer for sale to the highest bidder(or outside campaign contributor)!Citizens,and not backroom deals for yourself or your friends,are the true winners in this election.Smear campaigns and untrue attack adds paid for by outsider organizations didn't cut it!
