Thursday, July 14, 2011

Invoice to Rene Varela

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The final tab is much more than just the cost to the City of Lake Worth for this Special Election.

There is all the money from the candidates that was raised and most expended.
Tom Ramiccio...$37,225
Rachel Waterman...$23,663.17
Lisa Maxwell...$14,965
TOTAL: $75,853

Then there was the money spent by PAC's on behalf of Mr. Ramiccio:
Voter's Response: 3 mailers...approx $7,500
Firefighter's FACT PAC: 2 mailers...approx $4,000

So, figure over and above the $50,000 it cost The City of lake Worth, there was another $87,500 or a grand total of $137,500, just so that Rene's candidate might win and be mayor for 3.5 months rather than the Commission appointing someone to fill in for a short time.

THANKS, RENE. That was one stupid move.


  1. He was so far out of it that he really thought Lisa Maxwell was better than Suzanne Mulvehill. Lisa who to this day, knows nothing.

  2. Please send an invoice to Vice Mayor Mulvehill for $100,000 for walking away from her home, leaving it to bank foreclosure.
    That would be payments of $5k for each of 20 of her former neighbors/taxpayers her actions negatively impacted.

    Send it on behalf of her former neighbors.


    Oh. I'm not a fan of Lisa Maxwell at all but if you look at her personal success and achivement in a male dominated industry and still say she knows nothing that's just your dislike of her, and it's not true. It's Mulvehill that knows nothing and her long strech of being unemployed and her ridiculous puppet finger motivational classes are evidence of that.
    Maxwell just has no personality. But most taxpayers would select an elected offical that has achieved some level of personal success over someone that can use a smile to hide incompetence.
    Just not in Lake Worth.

  3. Well there you go again, shooting from the hip.

    First of all Suzanne Mulvehill has not had a foreclosrue. It is a Short Sale. Contrary to popular belief, you can be current on your payments and still effect a short sale. Your home sale will be handled like any other home sale.

    Obviously you learned nothing during this election. Lisa Maxwell has no knowledge on the Budget, the Utility or much of anything other than what was fed to her and had no solutions. She kept repeating the same STATEMENTS OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND THEY WERE wrong.

    Perhaps Ms. Maxwell is successful in the development business however has she written two books that were actually published? Has she traveled all over the world on behalf of her company speaking at international universities? She essentially gave up her business whil serving the people of Lake Worth and all you do is criticize, the same old bull. You don't scream about Scott Maxwell being not employed. Why is that?

    You lost this election. That IS the fact.

  4. To anonymous at 11:35-putting your dislike of Suzanne Mulvehill aside-what do you think about the article that was written? About Rene Varella's selfish ,vindictive and well planned move of leaving town ? About Rene's behavior leaving the citizens holding the bag. Rene Varella acted like a creep. His fellow Commissioners did not get notice of his actions until 4:30 in the afternoon on the same night that there was a 6:00 Council meeting. Excuse me, Scott Maxwell knew about this political ploy. Ramiccio and his cohorts knew about it. Mary Lindsey knew about it.It was a dirty trick that was well planned out with the Ramiccio and Maxwell camps.Rene Varella and his fellow schemers are Dirt bags. Glad they lost!

  5. I guess receiving awards from local Chambers of Commerce, writing articles for Inc magazine, appearing (multiple times) on national television as an entrepreneurial specialist, and being invited to teach in several international universities as a guest professor (including Essex Business School) does not meet someone's standard of competence. And I'm sure I'm leaving something out, she is quite accomplished and respected in business circles.

    But hey, Maxwell got gratitude training. Now that's something to brag about!

  6. If true, why wasn't it on your campaign literature? Thanks, Lisa.

    I would suppose that there is much to brag about if one wanted to do that. Any award from the Chamber of Commerce is nothing to mention and you were smart leaving it off.

    But this election was about learning what's up in our city. I am sorry to say that you didn't have a handle on that, Lisa. You listened to all of the wrong people. Why some of your supporters liked you was that you came across as one tough cookie that was capable of cracking heads and they were looking for another Maxwell of like kind.

  7. Wow there is a lot of anger out there and I can understand why folks are so upset. Property values are so low that if you no longer want to live here you can't move without taking a big loss. So folks are mad and angry. Instead of going after Lisa or Mulvehill we need to focus on getting the City Manager to clean up the blight by pushing for code enforcement. A realtor told me yesterday that a few months ago he took Stanton around to look at rentals. He showed her a nice home on North O that she liked but she complained about the state of the house across the street. There was junk in the front yard and an old mattress in the yard. She did not want to live near that property. When he told her that she had the power to get it cleaned up, her response was "it's not easy". Why is it that our city can't accomplish the basic things that will work to bring back pride and property values? Stanton has to get the message that we want code enforced now. Let's hope that Waterman agrees. If not we can send her packing in 4 months.

  8. John is absolutely correct about the anger. And there is a lot of hate on this site for "the other side" no matter which side one is on. The City has to force the codes to improve our community for everyone.

  9. Pointing out the truth sometimes hurts. The other side of poltiics always likes to throw epitaphs when they disagree with you, i.e., racist, hater, anarchist, whatever.

    Incidentally, Susan Stanton is not looking for a house--she was looking a year ago but decided to stay where she is.

  10. She was looking to rent not buy. She has no intention of investing her money in this city.

  11. John, Susan loves Lake Worth. That is why she works 16 hour days. I think it would be foolish for her to buy a house here when there is a political faction looking to fire her in a heartbeat as was Ramiccio. She was looking to possibly rent a house but likes where she is.

  12. Vice Mayor Suzanne Mulvehill is a victim of the 25,000,000 foreclosures(Told me by Bank of America top executive lecture in Boca)
    results of fraudulent mortgages drafted by fraudulent mortgage brokers,bankers,appraisers(should have been $50,000.- not $275,000.-).
    It is smart not to be robbed of $275,000 by a bank when you get $50,000,- worth of property!Walking away from such criminal actions' results is smart!
    Those who know will agree.
