Saturday, July 23, 2011

How many properties do we have in Lake Worth?

Depending upon whose report it is, we have anywhere from 12,165 up to 12,980 or maybe a few thousand more.
  • According to the Willdan Report we have: 6,872 owner occupied housing dwellings and 6,108 renter occupied housing dwellings for a total of 12,980. The number of commercial dwellings are not listed.
  • According to the Demographic section page 10 in the new Budget Report we have:12,165 households
  • According to the Budget Report itself we have:16,473 units with 3,515 that are vacant for a total of 12,958 with 6,535 being renters. I guess vacant properties that are owned by someone are just not paying. We have 1,190 commercial accounts for Solid Waste. That would add up to 14,148 units involved in paying the proposed special assessment.
One thing for sure, if the City is going to charge a special assessment for all the mis-management, they had better get the number of units correct or this will be challenged. The other point is, what about all the properties that are exempt in paying taxes like the Greater Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce? Will they now be included in all special assessments?

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