Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fire/Rescue Special Assessment in Boynton Beach

Although Commissioner Ross did not mention what the special assessment covered, she just replied to what they charge in Boynton:

Here you go, wishes. Marlene

Our current rate structure is as follows. We have two rate categories:

1) Residential Property Use Category:
Residential... $68 per year per dwelling unit:

2) Non-Residential Property Use Categories:
Commercial $ 0.16 per sq. ft.
Industrial/Warehouse $ 0.04 per sq. ft.
Institutional $ 0.17 per sq. ft.
Nursing Home $ 0.17 per sq. ft.

Recently we tentatively set a higher rate for residential for next fiscal year: $88 per dwelling unit + higher rates as well for the non residential categories as proposed:

Commercial $ 0.20 per sq. ft.
Industrial/Warehouse $ 0.05 per sq. ft.
Institutional $ 0.22 per sq. ft.
Nursing Home $ 0.49 per sq ft.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the fire assessment was incorrect. What do I need to do to appeal the assessment?

    Sample Assessments
