Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dr. Howell, Principal of Lake Worth High School

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My new assignment for the 2012 School Year will be as Principal of Bear Lakes Middle School. I feel that the past year has been an invaluable experience that has provided me tremendous professional growth. The memories will last forever. I hope that as you reflect back over the year, you appreciate the vision that I had for Lake Worth High School and know that all of my efforts were with the best interest of students in mind.

I will be transitioning into my new position immediately. The new Principal has not been determined for Lake Worth High School at this time; however, the District is committed to addressing the need immediately.

I wish all of you well as you enter into the new year.
Dr. Kirk Howell
Lake Worth High School

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."


  1. Howell used that tag line but he never made you feel a part of any team. Sad.

  2. I don't think any "team" was ready to accept his leadership..we all know what happens when "the team" treats you like an outsider... you get flack until you disappear, regardless of what good you have done.....Now That's SAD :-(

  3. I miss Dr. Saltzman

  4. It's a shame that an administrator such as Dr. Howell, who implemented teacher accountability as well as student accountability (in regards to academics, behavior, and dress) was "ousted" because he wasn't popular with the established regime. This is the same regime that was in place when the state was going to close down the school. But thanks to a restructuring of scoring methods for high schools, LWHS avoided closure. Quickly, Dr. Saltzman was placed in a protected district level position, and Dr. Kirk Howell, who has a proven track record for school improvement was placed in Dr. Saltzman's stead. Dr. Howell will be missed, not by the established regime, but by the students who need (and the teachers who appreciate) personal accountability, which leads to lifelong success.

  5. Dr.Howell is now the principal at Bear lakes middle school. sicne this school year has begun staff,parents,and students have had maney problems with Dr.Howell. He comes into the school and tryes to change evreything that was allredy inplace. He has failed to comunicate with the staff and students. He seays he wants us to beapart of his team but no one wants to be on his team, and i dont blame them. Also one day i was in the office and i observed Dr.Howellsiting in his office texting.

  6. Howell is a joke, he doesn't deserve to be a principal, nor does he deserve to even work for the School District. He is clearly a racist human being, thus showing when he got rid of several perfectly eligible white teachers at Tradewinds Middle. He replaced the White girls basketball coach for no reason whatsoever, and replaced him with his Black friend. He clearly has an unstable background, doesn't the school board do background checks anymore?! He is apparently certified in Speech Pathology, well maybe he should learn how to actually speak to begin with, what a joke. His way of leading is too militaristic and he is too much of an authoritarian. No doubt in my mind that teachers, students and parents feared his presence. He bullied the students, what has the school system come to? This is such a disgrace.

  7. Well at bear lakes middle school you are not even allowed to stay after school for a basketball game anymore because he thinks every one needs to be in tudering to learn things that we already know. It makes no sence to have a after school game but not allow any students to stay after school and support our school and team. Dr Kirk howel you are making outrageous choices you only think about what you want and do what you want. I have no confidence in you fuming thebschool that I have Been at for 3 years.
    Dr.Lockhart we truly miss you and want you to take your school back from this mess
