Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cut, Cap and Balance - August 2 - HR 2560

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Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner talk about the solution to the Cut, Cap & Balance Act brought about by Obama's deadline of August 2 on the debt ceiling. Nancy Pelosi should be embarrassed by the simple fact that she represents the Democratic Party position but admits not even reading the Act.

This Act would reduce spending by about 111 billion in 2012. It would cap spending for 10 years until 2021 and it will have a balanced budget amendment. We will never have a debt ceiling problem again. Rep. Allen West approves of the Boehner amendment, a common sense vote for the American people.


  1. I like Ron Paul's idea of freezing spending right now. That's it. simple.

  2. Freezing spending right now is good. But wouldn't that still give us an operating deficit?

    And if it does, wouldn't that contribute to the National Debt to continue to spiral out of control?

    I keep asking myself, and anyone who's bored enough to listen: "Where is the end? What's the End Game?"

    Do we start cutting the DEBT once we reach $20 trillion or is it $24 trillion? We have a hard time RIGHT NOW keeping up with the interest payments on the $14trillion debt we have now!

    We not only have to BALANCE the budget, but have surpluses in order to start paying down the debt. Does ANYONE see this in the near.... or distant future.

    I say GO TEA PARTY. You are doing what we sent you up there to do! I'm proud I helped send Allen West to Congress. You think HE is crazy? What about what happens all the time in Congress? The sausage making we call the Legislature. "We must compromise". NO!!! We have compromised for FAR too long!!

    Hold your ground TEA Party!! We can't keep spending more than we take in..... Period....Exclamation!!

  3. You have to compromise in this life and smart politicians do it all of the time. What's better? Grid-lock? The Tea-Party's mantra is you do what we say with no in-depth thought. Screw them. What would you rather have happen? The government close down?
