Thursday, June 16, 2011

Social Security overpaid BILLIONS

The Associated Press reported that the Social Security administration made $6.5 billion (that's BILLIONS) IN OVER payments to people not entitled to it. They made a freakin $6.5 BILLION DOLLAR mistake.

And all of us have to put up with hearing the crap from politicians that social security is broke...that the government has to fix the problem...people have to pay more into it...retire at COLA'S for seniors who count on it to live and the list of fixes goes on--ALL FOR STUPID WASTE. In the meantime seniors get kicked to the curb.

Even the New York Times said in an Op-Ed on April 5--To Cut the Deficit, Look to Social Security.

Whoever is responsible for this should be in prison. They will probably blame it on a computer glitch.

It is no wonder that our country is going down the tubes.

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