Monday, June 6, 2011

PBSO and Lake Worth - A meeting of the Minds

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Another $1.1 million off the contract. Lake Worth and the PBSO has agreed to the reductions of two lieutenants and two sergeants. They will be moved from the District 14 (Lake Worth) budget to the main sheriff's office budget, but will continue to serve Lake Worth.

Is that what it costs for 4? $275,000 a piece?

Read about it HERE


  1. "I don't think I heard from anybody who said we don't want the sheriff's office," Commissioner Christopher McVoy said.

    You heard from me. We will be haggling with this every year. It will get to the point there won't be anyone left to cut on the PBSO. Salaries will continue to go up. Benefits too. Then what? Oh well. Perhaps now all those shrill people will calm down and get a grip and rally around some other expensive and unsustainable cause or just hold out until the economy turns around. Unions next.

  2. Everyone, even Mary and Karri, should be happy now.

  3. We don't care what it costs even if we have to go bankrupt. The sheriff is stopping crime and I feel safe. I am a jerk.

  4. McVoy didn't hear ANYONE say tey didn't want the PBSO? How about Cara, his mentor Jennings? How about at a public commission meeting when she gave a sob story of how she had to fly all the way back here to cast her descent vote against the PBSO.

    How about the rasta dudes standing on the street corner with big banners advocating getting rid of the SO?

    So Cara and her minions, including this blogger were very vocal about wanting to save money (which it didn't) over public safety.

    Even if this is not the BCE, the former BCE is still in charge. Good thing us SHRILL residents made our concerns heard so that even McVoy could hear.

  5. You are totally naive to believe that the PBSO us the only organization in this damn world that can make our citizens safe. That is the crock so let's cool down that shrill voice of yours. No one was ever putting saving money over safety. What will be your next thing to gripe about--law suits? You don't have much left.
