Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mr. "NO" - Commissioner Scott Maxwell

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Last night Commissioner Maxwell made a statement about perception being reality. Yes, it is. Those who scream the loudest seem to get heard with some falling for the message.

That is exactly what one political faction is doing--twisting the facts so that all individual reasoning is distorted and persuading those who listen to their view. If they say something often enough, it will eventually be believed by the less informed or the easily manipulated. Afterall, that group, lead by Blackman, Lindsey, Casper and Lepa, was allowed to make its presentation to the Commission on its political PBSO results from a meeting that was held at Compass a few weeks ago.

They have been beating the subject to death. The Commission, as well as the public, have heard it all before when that group organized citizens to attend the joint city commission/FAB meeting on the subject and then had them storm city hall to speak about the PBSO. It was safety over cents, they said. Now that Susan Stanton has succesfully negotiated a better price from the PBSO for the next two years, be assured that the City will have to repeat all of this down the road.

This group's request for a special presentation should have been denied. They very well could have destroyed the negotiations with the PBSO over the last few weeks. Because Commissioner McVoy was not present at the meeting at the time it came up to reorder last night, the Commission did not have the votes to kick it off the Presentations. We were forced to listen to all of the political rhetoric all over again.

As Maxwell continues to nitpick every line on our budget and every vote on going forward with the Casino, there are one or two who listen and say, "Wow, he's really on the ball. I thank him for asking all these questions." They have no idea. On every single occasion, every question is or has been answered and/or concerns dispelled by a professional who does know his stuff. It happened with the Willdan Study on the PBSO as well. And don't kid yourself. The Willdan Study had everything to do with the favorable results negotiated by Susan Stanton on the PBSO contract.

Commissioner Maxwell did have the good sense to vote "yes" along with the rest of the Commission to deny a request of the General Employees Pension Plan Board to amend the membership to allow DROP participants to be members. Former employees should not be allowed to take leadership roles in our City, unless, of course, they run for office and get elected.


  1. Well, maybe Mr. No will not be re-elected again come November, I hope not anyway. We need people who are positive and who don't fall for all these naysayers and negative people in this city. He should never been re-elected again anyway, he was a commissioner before, and I hate incumbents, although there was a lapse. Lynn, you live in this district, you should really consider running for commission, I think you would be great, you care and you do your homework and you do not let people push you around. You would be willing to listen to ALL citizens more. Think about it. I really do not think this Maxwell can win another re-election, people are tired of him and his no, no, no, negative ways, not to mention his extremely foul mouth, this man knows how to swear when you talk with him on the streets. I vote for Lynn!!!!!

  2. Thanks for seeing that the city is going in a positive direction...FINALLY. Negativity is unacceptable.

    As far as running, NO WAY, but thanks for the vote of confidence. It is one tough job up there and we are all second string quarterbacks. I just hate that people believe the lies because this commission and city staff are doing a great job.

  3. Mr Maxwell is a terrible Commissioner. He DOES NOT care about the people who live in his own district. He would not approve even a workshop on the Sunset property. This has been a sword threatening over 400 families in this neighborhood. A six year fight has been waged to protect this and every other single family neighborhood in Lake Worth. This man thumbs his nose at all of us.He doesn't have the brain power to understand how or why a public beach is an asset to our community.There is overwhelming support by the taxpayers for the casino being remodeled,but Maxwell doesn't care. He sides with people that want to sell our public beach to a developer.You have to wonder what this group has been promised"You give me control of your beach ,and I'll give you,,,," Makes you wonder,doesn't it?We are laying off city employees ,but Maxwell thinks it's okay to pay for fireworks this 4th of July. Really? This man thinks it's okay to have city hall meetings that last until two A.M. That's not representative govt. That's BAD govt.Scott Maxwell sits up on a dais pushing an agenda for a few people and out of town interests. And that's VERY BAD govt.


  5. Speaking of Ramiccio,can't that church that's holding a rally for him lose their tax exempt status? I think I'll send along the flyer to the correct authorities and ask them! Doesn't the Osborne community get tired of only seeing these Commissioners in their neighborhood at election time?

  6. Huh. Interchange some names and you could be talking about your own little group and your own favorite elected officials. You all don't seem to like it when you are on a level playing field. The odds are not as good.

  7. actually lynn, not only did he have the "good sense" to vote yes to deny a request of the General Employees Pension Plan Board to amend the membership to allow DROP participants to be members..he led the discussion by learning all the facts, which included that the city ordinance prohibited such an action and stated that the city must honor its own rules and ordinances and not make exceptions as xxxx CENSORED XXXX has a reputation for doing on a regular fact he made the motion to deny the request.

  8. Since you wrote the above to me, I censored your BS.

  9. And one more point--why do things like this continually get on the agenda? Don't we have a city attorney to cull them? Can anyone just call up and say, "gee, I want this on the agenda," and get their way? It's really time to stop all of this too.

  10. Maxwell is a puppet. He should stop listening to the extreme.

  11. the commission can change an ordinance. Do you honestly think only Maxwell has any sense? Ordinances are changed. Laws are changed. It should not be done to suit a political end but for the greater good. right? Maxwell I guess took a stand saying that we should abide by our ordinances as the reason? The reason should be that it makes sense. Whoever put that on the agenda was for a self-serving reason.

  12. Whenever Mulvehill, Golden and Stanton say something, you crave it in stone and worship it. I think you and your readers are drinking too much Kool-Aid. There are some good things happening in Lake Worth, but it is not due to the City Commission or the City Manager. The truth is Sheriff Bradshaw said six months ago he would cut $1 million from the annual bill to Lake Worth. I know Mulvehill likes to repeat how a year ago the answer was "No". It is sad that she doesn't understand this is a negotiation tactic.

  13. Everything that is good that is happening in LW right now is due to this commisison and staff.

    Did you know that during the neogtiations that our city manager a well as Ed Fry walked out and that Bradshaw came back days later and agreed to what they asked?

    The art of negotiaiton. Suzanne Mulvehill understands it completely. Our CM is very adept.

  14. You have been inhaling too much smoke from the CM and Mulvehill. It has clouded your perspective and made you one of those people who is just incapable of understanding the truth.

    Sheriff Bradsham was willing to reduce costs by $1 million six months ago, but that wouldn't give the CM the control she so desires. She can't answer a direct question no matter what.

    Children pick up their toys and go home when things don't go their way. Adults work hard to reach a conscience.

  15. Right back at ya pal.

    So far you have told me that I have been drinking the Kool-aid and smoking the dope because of my indepth knowledge of the truth :) but you keep spouting this and that and have given NO reasons for why you do not believe that the sun comes up at night. Go back to your Bully Bandit gang and plot together. People like reasonable people, not those in la la land or little kids making up stuff and crying when they don't get their way. Nauseating behavior.

    You don't like the CM, that's your preogative. Did she fire you too for incompetence or disloyalty? I can appreciate why she did that.
