Thursday, June 23, 2011

More from Sid Dinerstein - Republican Leader Speaks rudely to Registered Republican

Comment Up

--- On Thu, 6/23/11, Sid Dinerstein wrote:

From: Sid Dinerstein
Subject: Re: FW: Palm Beach County GOP News Wire, June 16, 2011
To: "kkss21"
Date: Thursday, June 23, 2011, 12:43 PM

I wish you had told me in the beginning that this was all about Tom. Please, there are three other candidates. Find one you like. Or, like most voters in a city election, stay home.And, of course, there is nothing that prevents you from running for public office.But, as I said before, your town needs Tom's leadership.Good luck.


  1. This guy is the reason the Democrats have such a foothold here! Unbelievably dumb and RUDE.The Republican party can do better than this hack! Katie

  2. Mr. Dinerstein, you make me very happy that I am not a Republican.
