Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lauderdale Lakes is not similar to Lake Worth

Two other bloggers sit around and compliment each another all day long--(love fest), by one negative fatastical remark after another regarding everything at city hall. They say that the City of Lake Worth is similar to what is going on in Lauderdale Lakes. Where did they get this idea? Who knows, but Commissioner Scott Maxwell continues to complain that he is not getting any information that he requests and is being treated like crap by our city manager. Because he doesn't get everything his heart desires, all of a sudden there is a cover up going on--there is funny business?

I wrote about this situation last month: Lauderdale Lakes. It is not similar to Lake Worth. It has a $9 million debt to the Broward County sheriff's office that it can not pay. This article says that the city manager was fudging the numbers. Lake Worth just went through an audit and our books were justified. In fact, the audit revealed that the City of Lake Worth has presented accurate data in all material respects.

As doubting commissioner Jacobs said in Lauderdale Lakes, “So everyone’s been fooled by one woman?’’ What's going on in Lake Worth is that a couple of citizens have jumped on this negative bandwagon and are stirring up the pot all over town throwing everything imaginable into it. Now it's Lauderdale Lakes.

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