Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lake Worth Beach Parking

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On Monday, the Lake Worth beach parking goes up to $2 an hour. This is absurd. Even Coney Island has on street parking that is free.

Coney Island: Off-street parking is available in the parking lot at MCU Park. Enter at Surf Avenue and West 19th Street. Parking is $5/day on Mondays and Tuesdays, $10/day Wednesday through Friday, and $15/day on weekends and holidays. Parking is always only $5/day for Brooklyn Cyclones game ticketholders. Additionally, on-street parking is available throughout Coney Island.

We can't pay New York prices in Lake Worth and we shouldn't have to pay them to generate approximately $116,000 a year. Only those who do not frequent the beach will think this is okay. We just can't continue to sock it to the people so that we can pay these Union Retirement packages.


  1. If I am not mistaken the money is to be used to pay for lifegaurds, not retirement funds................

  2. That's what they say. However, if we did not have to pay for exorbitant retirement funds and a bad PBSO contract, etc., we would not have to rape the people for the beach parking as well.

  3. Our residents can buy a beach parking sticker for less than $20 and park all year at the beach. The high rate is for visitors. Everyone else who comes to the beach pays nothing to support it. I think the rate is fair so long as Lake Worth citizens who pay taxes here get a discount.

  4. It comes to exactly $21.20 right now. Seasonal people who own property here, unless they have their vehicle registered in Florida and can show a Florida driver's license, pay $63.60. Don't forget, after Cara Jennings's beach redevelopment plan, we will have 1,500 decal holders who will be able to utilize 55 parking spots on the lower part of the dune. Residents should have a top priority as it is the Lake Worth taxpayers who pay for the upkeep of our beach, the lifeguards, maintenance crew, etc.
    I still think $2 an hour is a lot of money. It used to be you could drive over there, get out of your car and view the ocean without getting "soaked." Now I know people who go to Manalapan and park for free at a great beach.

  5. You have to wonder after the casino is built what they will charge us for parking then. Hate to think about it really. It will be cheaper putting in a pool. :( The city is driving the working class stiff away.
    To think that every resident in lake worth would buy a sticker is funny to think about but they should be encouraged to do so and then fight over the 50 spaces.

  6. Yes, that's good then we would have all sorts of anarchist alliances springing up even College park people. Everyone in Lake Worth could become part of the alliance and then it all would be reduced to the absurdity of those who dreamed it up. One at last and I would no longer have a platform.

  7. Thank god I ahve a decal. I wouldn't be able to affored to take my fmaily to the beach.
