Friday, June 3, 2011

City Wins One with the Union

Comment Up
The Unions charges of premature declaration of impasse and failure to provide information were frivolous, unreasonable and groundless when filed" and has recommended to the Public Employers Relations Commission that the City be awarded attorney fees and cost to defend the City Commission contract imposition. See page 49.

Hearing Officer's Recommended Order.


  1. As the city manager said,
    The City has reached tentative agreement with the PBSO concerning the Law Enforcement Service Agreement for the next two years, received an historical ruling from a Public Employees Relations Hearing Officer regarding a Union's challenge of the City's Declaration of Financial Urgency, and has finalized negotiations with the Morganti Group regarding the rehabilitation of the Casino! Finally, Utility Director Mattey is in the process of finalizing the necessary rate information for City Commission approval which will enable the City to approve the first reduction of the electric rates in its long history. Not a bad week....

  2. Way to go Susan!
