Friday, May 20, 2011

Where is Rene Varela?

Town Hall Meeting in Towson, Maryland

Talk about old--it seems like most cities are older than Lake Worth, a city that will be celebrating its 100th birthday in 2 more years. We pride ourselves on preserving our history even though during Varela's term, he closed the Museum.

We thought that Rene respected history, at least he told us that. He made some history here after being the first public official in the history of Lake Worth to stick us with a $25,000 bill forcing us into a special election after he resigned 5 days early and an election amount that I now have been told will cost us double. Rene Varela skipped out on Lake Worth and is working in Towson, Maryland, a sister city to where I used to live.

Towson's history began in 1659 and there are many historic buildings throughout the City along with beautiful homes. The population was 51,793 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Baltimore County and the second-most populated unincorporated county seat in the United States. It is a college town so there is a lot of energy. Great weather in which to campaign and a town where I met Johnny Unitas years ago when he was at the height of his career.

People who live in Towson have much more disposable income than Lake Worthians and probably don't have to worry about the city going bankrupt because of expensive Sheriff contracts and special elections and all: The median income for a household in the CDP was $53,775, and the median income for a family was $75,832 (these figures had risen to $64,313 and $98,744 respectively as of a 2007 estimate.

In spite of his obvious lack of esteem towards some Staff and elected officials, I came to the conclusion that Rene Varela could have become one of our best mayors. Then he pulled his political trick. His sudden resignation and how he did it got in the way of doing the right thing. His intellectualism was used as his justification for his lack of common sense. He gave our city a black eye because of his hypocritical pretense of having democratic values and therefore he has left his memory forever damaged.

Does anyone miss our former mayor?

Well if you are the oddball out, he can be reached at Banfield, the Pet Hospital in Towson. Rene will be right at home with heated town hall meetings as shown above. But he, as a die-hard Obama supporter, never had to deal with a protest against "The Anointed One" while he resided in, and was mayor of, our poor little city by the sea that he single handedly made that much poorer. We will be keeping our eye on you from time to time, Rene.

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