Saturday, May 14, 2011

Waterman mayoral candidate in Lake Worth

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Rachel Waterman, a member of our newly created Marketing Task Force, is running for Mayor of Lake Worth. She says that Lake Worth is "the next best Key West."

"She earned a master's degree in community and economic development from Illinois State University after completing her work with the Peace Corps.

Recently, Waterman has been working as a grant writer and researcher for nonprofit groups scattered throughout the country." Source: PBPost


  1. ANOTHER Cara puppet. Just what the City does not need. She has been absent from Lake Worth for years and has NO idea what the City needs. The City needs to move away from the socialist, anarchist agenda that has been pushed by Cara and Jo-ann and more recently Mulvehill.

    The endorsement of McVoy, Golden & Mulvehill will hopefully seal her fate as another failed progressive candidate along the lines of javier and pangioti.

  2. Coco, you make big charges. give us some examples of what you are talking about particularly about anarchist agendas. it's easy to throw stones. it seems to me that progressives as you call them have been winning. sure is better than the corruption of the past. I would rather deal with chicken crap than people crap that you spout. you are comparing Rachel to Pangioti? That's a joke. you suck.

  3. I know who she is. I met her and really like her. How many people will jump in to this race?

  4. I don't think she even knows Cara. She was here before Cara and now after Cara. Her educational background is a big plus for this position.

  5. I've never met or even seen Rachel Waterman. Her resume sounds like she would be very pro-business and the fact the she already has the endorsement of Joann, Chris AND Suzanne will most likely ensure her the center seat.

    I was hoping to get a good grant writer to run the city.

  6. First of all, I don't know the woman...don't even know what she looks like. Secondly, I have not heard of any endorsement by any commissioner, so you made that up. For what purpose? Thirdly, a couple of those commissioners you mentioned also endorsed Cary Sabol for the CRA. SO? Hoping to get a good grant writer? Utter sarcasm. This woman is going to run for Mayor; she is not applying to be a grant writer. It is her educational background that will be a plus for this city. Isn't that what you guys are interested in--development?

  7. She is a cara puppet dumbos. She is an advocate of keeping the cost of housing affordable for very low income people.

  8. If that is the case, it sounds like she is a compassionate person. That is better than a cold-hearted I hate everything and anyone political philosophy that you seem to have.

    Bring forward the facts. I don't know her and I doubt if you do either.

  9. From Cara' facebook page

    "I am taking a you think I should run for Lake Worth in the special election on June 28?"

    Response by Waterman:
    Yippee! I'll campaign for you!!!!!!

    They picked her because she is not known and because she has a degree. She once said that you can make money from anarchism. Do not support this women unless you want Cara to continue to ruin our city.

  10. Lynn, I have never heard of her either, is she new to the community? Do you have a picture of her? Does she go to the comm. meetings? I thought that maybe that president of the NA in Lake Worth, Ryan Anderson, would be a mayoral candidate, he seems pretty ambitious. What is the deal with him?

  11. I wouldn't know her if she walked through my front door. I am trying to get a photo.

    Regarding anyone running for office here you really have to get along with everyone even if you can't stand their guts. Coming across as cordial and fair is a big plus. The reason why Jeff Clemens has been so successful is that he understands politics and he has the political savvy and charisma. He has always been nice even to the bizarre of citizens or to those who have gone against him politically. When you don't like someone's policies but still can say that you like him, that politician is in.

  12. You can probably google her name she was recently quoted in the free PB Post supplement that comes out on Wednesdays. She was quoted as saying there is money to be made in "progressiveness", not anarchy. But what's the difference? And what does that mean? There's money to be made in progressiveness? If that's the case how come they want to drag everyone down to their poverty levels? So there's your proof Lynn she's another Cara cronie and will soon be receiving the endorsement of the anarachy alliance. Start endorsing her NOW!

  13. I would bet that there are some who would call you an anarchist just because it is easy to sling epitaphs or because people don't believe that they need legitimate reasons. Since no one really knows her and you don't either, is it to your political end to vilify her before she even announces and before you get to know her? To what purpose does this serve? I would wager to say that most Democrats are considered progressive. What did she mean that there is money to be made in "progressiveness?" Did she explain?

  14. As a follow-up to this announcement, I will be meeting her tomorrow night in order to get a feel of where she is coming from. You can bet that I will not pull any punches.
