Friday, May 27, 2011

Susan Stanton might get July 4th Fireworks

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July 4th FireWorks Update

At the Special Meeting this past Thursday, the City Commission gave direction to City staff to explore the possibility of fireworks on the 4th of July. Zambelli Fireworks was able to accommodate the City of Lake Worth's request due to a last minute cancellation. Zambelli received verbal approval from the Coast Guard today and City staff will be working on the other permits. City staff will be updating the Commission and the public with more detail next week.


  1. Stanton had nothing to do with this and you know it. I was at the meeting

  2. This is from the City manager's Report. "Commission directed Staff" Stanton directs staff. Figure it out and take it up with her. Have a glass of wine and stop being so angry.

  3. I really love fireworks,but can the city afford this? Should we bow out this year due to financial conditions?

  4. Lynn. You are the angry one. It's evident by reading your blog that you are bitter and very negative. I was at the meeting too. It was not Stanton's idea. She is directing staff. Not doing the work herself. Do you have a crush on her. Sounds like it. Chill out a bit.

  5. I have asked you not to get personal but you "no" people just can't take no.

    If you read what I said above, the commission does not direct staff no matter how the the CM's weekly report was written. They can NOT direct staff to do anything. That is the CM's job only. When they say that, they are directing the CM to direct staff to get it done. Is there anything about that you do not get?

    Of course, you will find my blog bitter and negative. You don't agree with me and all you people do is throw stones when that happens and get mean and dirty. Suck it up. Tunnel vision and your constant arguing will get you nowhere.

  6. Actually speaking, this blog is the only honest one in town. Wes is always negative on just about everything. Mary Lindsey is in a category all of her own. Wes puts down everything this city has accomplished and what it is doing even going so far as to put down the beach project. He doesn't get it that the people want to have a reconstruct of the 1922 casino which is part of our history. He worries about the color of the asphalt and says that people are lying about everything. Sad really. Why can't people just be positive about all the good things going on?
    Helen M

  7. It simply kills you that Lynn is right. Go eat some pablum.

  8. I don't care who gets things done so long as we move forward. We lost a booking yesterday when we told someone that there would be no fireworks this year. I hope they decide real soon so that we can market the event and bring folks into town. Everyone at the Sabal Palm House thinks the fireworks are great fun and a real positive for our city.

  9. We all do and money will have to be juggled. It isn't cheap to put them on.
