Friday, May 13, 2011

ROLOH Neighborhood Association President asks the Vice Mayor to change her vote on the PBSO although nothing has come up for a vote

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As this is now a public document, it shows one strong viewpoint in our city from a president of a NA Association as well as a sitting commissioner on the Planning & Zoning Board. And although I highly disagree with it, it is worthy of review, if nothing more to show the intensity and degree of "disappointment" from one citizen among many.

Subject: PBSO is the only Option for Lake Worth

City Commissioner Mulvehill,

Remember me looking you in the eye and asking you in the chamber so many months ago about PBSO and this study???

You said to me from your own lips that it was only to be used as leverage to lower the amount of the contract.....your words.

1. This is not a study it IS a plan on how to do the transition....
2. Your(sic) not using this as leverage. YOU are using this to put an ordinance on the agenda and make the transition happen.
3. I don't like being lied to at all and I personally hold you responsible for such an out right lie.

It is NOT about the money at all, its about power and putting citizens lives at risk and letting a study group not present you with a study but a road map to go ahead with a change regardless of the people and what we the voters want....with a bid attached to do the work!!!

I still remember having a meeting with you and you said "we just found 1.2 million for a program we didn't know about" how many other accidental funds were found after that?????

You are going to do what you want.....However I hope you at least listen to the people and consider the future of Lake Worth for the long run not just a one time budget short fall......the FAB has presented numerous option and the city knows it has options to get through this short fall with out loosing PBSO....please change your vote on this and keep it from going to the agenda for a vote as it should NOT be even considered as an option....

Lake Worth Citizen
Robert Waples

Editor's Note: Robert Waples sent this out as a private citizen, not as President of his NA or a member of the P&Z.


  1. There must be neutrality in the neighborhood associations. Robert was wrong here.

  2. Not only was he wrong, he was a liar. How can anyone write such a letter saying what he said. Waples will now be looked at in a totally different light. As a community leader, he did not think it through and his stress level shows. To accuse Mulvehill in this fashion based on nothing, is reprehensible. This should not be condoned and he needs to resign from anything having to do with the City.

  3. Have you forgotten How Commissioner's Jennings and Mulvehill both actively campaigned against Varela last Election? They outright accused him of being a Dolphin Killer. Or how about Ms. Jennings attack on the owners of Natures Way Cafe ( a sitting Commissioner attacking a business owner). Like Commissioner Jennings said after her Stilt screaming episode in Miami! I will continue to exersize my right to free speach.
    Mr. Waples is an individual with a mind of his own, I applaud him.

  4. Varela was involved in a company that captured dolphins for profit. You forget that? Do you think that is cool? Jennings attack of Scott was totally wrong and I said that on numerous occasions. Mr. Waples is also a public figure and will take the consequences of his actions, good or bad. Good luck to him. Because some take stands then it is ok for someone to come out and exaggerate and distort the facts? That is not cool. Some people should really know better.

  5. Doesnt your neighborhood association president sit on the finance board? isn't he voting on making a recommendation on this? isn't he a life-long politician? doesn't this make him political? he has run for office, held office, lost elections, sued the city and now he wants to continue to play politics. he should resign immediately from the murry hills and finance boards.

    larry m.

  6. Well, Larry M, whoever you may be in real life, Ron Exline did not send out a personal attack against our vice Mayor and distort the facts of this subject, now did he? That is the difference and there is absolutely no need for him to resign.

  7. P.S. I do NOT live in Murry Hills and my community does not belong to any neighborhood association. Thank God.

  8. I really like the last sentence of this article with this disclaimer. How can he divorce himself from his appointed position on the P&Z as well as being a NA president? That is absurd. It shows that we don't have too many people thinking clearly when it comes to the big P. You would think he was on the sheriff payroll or something.

  9. No one in this city is thinking clearly other than Susan Stanton.
