Saturday, May 14, 2011

Quote of the Day - Commissioner Scott Maxwell

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"The PBSO is the best thing that's happened to Lake Worth since sunshine. I'm not going to take the sunshine away."

~Commissioner Scott Maxwell

Even our Commissioner District 1 has disregarded and dismissed the art of negotiation. He is not allowing our city manager to do her job, the one she was hired to do. Second guessing just makes the city manager's job that much more difficult when the PBSO gets a big impression that citizens, as well as a commissioner, want the Palm Beach County Sheriff no matter the cost and no matter what the Police Study reveals. If Commissioner Maxwell would meet with the city manager, perhaps he would have understood the strategy and that you don't reveal your cards until the right time. Perhaps a good poker game would help in the thought process.

What is the incentive for Bradshaw to negotiate when a commissioner and citizens who are officers in neighborhood associations as well as City Boards work against the city and go to this irrational extreme--passing out fliers and sending an emotionally charged, inappropriate and disrespectful e-mail to our Vice Mayor-- all of them behind a movement for the retention of the PBSO without hearing and understanding all of the facts and all of the options?

Commissioners should be working in tandem to come up with the right solutions for this city, not working against one another, and most of all, be fiscally responsible. In this case it means $3 million dollars responsible. And they all need to calm down.

This police study will be discussed at a commission workshop on Wednesday at 5:30 pm.


  1. Lynn. Read page 56 of the study. It says - "City maide conscious decision to move forward with establishing the LWPB". Are you still in denial?

  2. There is no denial-I do NOT recall any vote on this. This Study is a suggestion and a way in which the city can indeed have its own police department. That's all it is. It will now be up to us to come up with cost reductions in order to do keep the PBSO.

    It states: Should the decision be made not to move forward with establishing a Lake Worth Police Department within the timeline specified there is a need to immediately meet with the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office to commence good faith negotiations for a reduction in service for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

  3. This is one of your better articles. Thanks.

  4. The problem is no one trusts our commissioners. Residents feel like they no longer have a voice and that our commissioners simply do what Stanton wants. If there was a real sense that people were being listened to I don't think we would be in the mess we are in. Stanton has been given too much power by this commission. Golden has already told us to get use to living in "the ghetto" and she will vote to end the contract with PBSO in a heart beat. Folks are worried and this commission better take notice.

  5. I agree. I didn't bother going to this meeting today. I hope that you will give a full report.

  6. Here's your full report:
    there were about 300 concerned citizens in attendance that don't trust the judgement of the city manager, the majority of the commissioners, or the way they try to circumvent "public participation" unless it benefits them.
    This whole thing obviously backfired on them. They could care less what "the people" think or want. Unfortunately they now have the time to change their votes and save themselves, because if they had gone through with the vote, ghetto and stanton would have been gone and the anarchist alliance would have been a disatnt bad memory.

  7. What Anarchist Alliance? Just more of the same from the "doom and gloom" side in this City. This Commission happens to be a moral one with ethics, unlike most of them over the past decade.

    Perhaps there were that many, 300, but I would say that most were there to get some answers. Did they? Or did they get the political propaganda from you and your buds?
