Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day is for remembrance, not political trolling--Veteran Responds to Rep. Jeff Clemens

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Monday’s Memorial Day presented by American Legion Post 47 was an outstanding event. As in years past, our local Boy Scout troop placed crosses and flags the night before on veterans' graves and then presented a color display during the ceremony. Host Post 47 and other service groups such as the Lions Club, Scottish Rite and a DAR chapter presented wreaths; a Naval chaplain offered prayers; and Mayor Pro Tem Golden acknowledged the presence of other politicians and provided thought provoking comments on the meaning of Memorial Day. As we would say, back in the day, “Outstanding to off the page!”

Thank you, each and every one mentioned at the ceremony and a special thanks to the city’s men and women who will gather those crosses and flags for next year’s commemoration.

My interpretation of the intent and meaning of Memorial Day is that it was to commemorate the Civil War dead. As it happened, the first ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery honored both Union and Confederate dead. If so shortly after our nation’s most costly war, one that was fought to preserve the Union, why are some people still trying to divide us? And more to the point, why are some politicians pandering to this effort?

The tenor of the remarks by State Rep. Clemens, while honoring the ultimate sacrifice made by Lake Worth’s own LCpl Hernandez, were a slap in the face, an insult to AMERICAN veterans. I served two infantry combat tours in Viet Nam, one as a Sergeant and then as a First Lieutenant. At no time did I ever hear of nor require that a unit be made up of ETHNIC-AMERICANS --come to think of it, Americans are AMERICANS.

Mr. Clemens, why do you think it important to do so? Why must politicians always go off message?

Memorial Day is for remembrance, not political trolling! If you are ever asked to speak at any Memorial Day again, please stick to the subject. But be advised, if you are ever considered for Vogel-Lee’s presentation again, as a post member, I will work just as hard to deny you that honor as I’ve worked to put these personal opinions in writing.

After your divisive remarks marred the ceremony, I attended the refreshments offered by the Post. There I spoke with only 2 older veterans, one from Korea and the other a survivor of Normandy and the Bulge. The first stated that he wasn’t that upset with your remarks since, as he put it, “I don’t listen to politicians that much,” while the second, Bronze Star and Combat Infantry Badge wearer (know what they are awarded for?), “couldn’t understand what you were trying to get at.” Two for two in sync with me. After that, I figured it out that to stay upset with you only would ruin my feeling of respect for all veterans.

If the blog master chooses to print this, she most certainly can use my name and e-mail address.
Joe Matthews at matthewspeter@bellsouth.net

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing this. It was a very nice day. I was at a different cemetery but the crowd was good and the patriotism even better. Politicians always want to sound smarter than you or me but somehow miss the mark.
