Saturday, May 21, 2011

Love and Hate in Palm Beach County

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Go to BizPac Review and read the article.

I know, unequivocally, that the Democratic Executive Committee has encouraged Democrats to hound Allen West at his town hall meetings by sending out e-mails before each and everyone of them and encouraging members of the Democratic Party to attend and incite.

Yes, everyone is entitled to freedom of speech but when the mission is only to be rude and disrupt the proceedings by screaming sound bites of erroneous questions, the Democrats have really taken freedom of speech to a whole new level.


  1. The tea baggers used the same methods last summer during the debate about health care. Except the tea baggers were backed by billionaires like the Koch brothres. What's the problem?

  2. The Tea-Party is actually the voice of reason in politics. I do not agree with them on everything. They have never heckled anyone for any idea and are always peaceful and respectful but they do get their voices heard. It is the liberal faction that heckles and is disrespectful of anyone with a different view. Have you ever even been to a Patriot rally? Thought not. You probably think we should pray for Osama as well.
